The Blessing isn’t a Storm Free Life, but Peace in the Storm
Do you have peace in the storm you’re facing? Despite the challenges of the past 24 months, I’ve learned the blessing isn’t a storm free life, but God’s presence and peace in the storm.
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In concrete ways, I’ve struggled through the past couple of years. I lost count of the challenges and financial setbacks somewhere around June of 2016 and then began to face physical health challenges.
Each month only brought higher and higher hills, culminating in complete physical and technological breakdowns that left me physically wounded and temporarily without my computer to write and at least virtually step outside this broken body.
God has been forcing me to BE STILL so completely. I’ve been trying to revel in the stillness despite its frustrations and listen in it.
I have made no attempt to blog until I couldn’t let go of God’s sweet presence with me the morning I originally wrote this. I slowly and painfully typed this on my phone. But I wanted to write this down at least for myself.
I had times in this storm that I was so sad, I struggled to breathe in my despair. I felt hurt and inadequate, alone.
But what I learned there was what made me realize in the end, the past couple of years have been exceptional in ways that defy measuring.
I drew closer and closer to God, pressing in, crying out for guidance and solace. I wept, arms outstretched to heaven, praying, groaning. Mostly seeking His answers and peace.
And I learned the greater blessing in that.
The blessing isn't a storm free life, but God's peace and presence in the storms. Click To TweetThis morning, I was reading in Isaiah, chapter 65 God’s promises for His people and I ached with hope.
“I will rejoice in Jerusalem and be glad in my people; no more shall be heard in it the sound of weeping and the cry of distress.
No more shall there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not fill out his days, for the young man shall die a hundred years old, and the sinner a hundred years old shall be accursed.
They shall build houses and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
They shall not build and another inhabit; they shall not plant and another eat; for like the days of a tree shall the days of my people be, and my chosen shall long enjoy the work of their hands.
They shall not labor in vain or bear children for calamity, for they shall be the offspring of the blessed of the Lord, and their descendants with them. Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.”
Isaiah 65:19-24 ESV
After spending years immersed in such a tremendously broken world, oh how I long for this day of God’s promises: long lives, children who always grow up, and personal health and prosperity.
If 2016-17 Have taught me anything, it is that without God, all we have are the storms of this life without any hope or joy or peace.
We’re not promised an easy life as Christians, living in a fallen world.
With God, we still have storms. Sometimes, they are even more challenging with being rejected by the world and attacked by Satan.
But we have PEACE in the storm.
It’s a peace that makes no sense outside of Christ, but is so real and so profound. I know as hard as these years have been, for all the losses financially and emotionally and physically, I’ve been blessed spiritually beyond measure.
I’ve grown in how I process my hurts and fears. Additionally, I’ve grown in how I respond more than react.
Each storm prepared me for the next. While I would rather not had the challenges, I would not trade difficulties for the reliance on Christ I’ve gained.
Each type of season passes. Both busy and slow, joyful and difficult seasons eventually give way.
Every season passes - both joyful and difficult seasons give way, only God is eternal. Click To TweetHowever, I wouldn’t mind a season of fewer struggles. Yet, I know I’m facing some difficulties that may not make for easier days ahead.
But when I gave up my life to follow Christ, I gained back a life that is blessed beyond measure in ways that I cannot count.
I am still human and struggle against grief and fear, but through overcoming this year, I have an underlying current of trust and hope that the end of Isaiah speaks to so beautifully.
He writes a stunning dichotomy of God’s wrath and punishment juxtaposed against prophecies of Christ’s redemption of His people and glorious eternity in Heaven.
Joy and pain balanced with hope and promise, which is a pretty good way to remember to seek peace in the storm.
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Donald M. Vallestero
Being with Jesus does’nt mean exemption from troubles or troubling situations…
Exactly! But we have help in our troubles.
This is so true!! I can remember many times growing up, when our family was going through hard times that it would seem that peace would be impossible. But we were always filled with peace and hope.
So unexplainable but what a blessing is His peace!
Often we think that no trials mean blessing, but a visit to a third world country proves otherwise. Our hearts is what matters. Thanks for the reminder!
Yes. No trials would mean a weak faith. One of the best moments of this year was in the midst of dealing with my physical limitations, a family member turned to me and said, “With all you’re going through, I don’t know how you’re always so happy and have so much peace.” I definitely had an answer for the hope within me.
Beautifully worded & needed post. Thankful for you. Encouraged. We are in similar seasons. Praying.
Thank you!
This is so true. Storms will come and go but His peace is incomparable and knows no bounds.
What a great reminder that having faith in our Lord doesn’t mean we are going to have a struggle-free life. However he is our anchor and sanctuary when the storms roll in! God Bless!
Terri Grothe
I am reminded of the song ” Im glad I know the peace speaker, im glad I know him by name”
I love this! I found myself silently nodding amens throughout. I’ve definitely had my storms, but I am continually amazed at how God has used them and worked through them to prove that we can have peace, pain, joy, and sorrow all at once. The biggest storm was probably 2011 when we lost our infant daughter, and I share that because the storm theme was big… her middle name was Rainn. The line, “I will praise you in this storm” is on the front of her headstone, and “be still and know ..” is on the back. I really connected with this post!
Oh 😢 I cannot imagine! I am so glad you can still praise Him when His will doesn’t make sense to us.
We can’t honestly say we trust Him and not cling to that trust when the storms come -because they will. He is faithful! He didn’t promise smooth sailing, but He did promise so much more.
I think I need to reflect on 2016 still. So much has happened. But right at the end I learned I need to look to Him for my happiness, no one else can do that for me.
Lamentations 3:24 “The Lord is my portion” I have rested in that more times than I can count.
Lauren C. Moye
What a beautiful post! I love how honest you got about your struggles. Thank you for sharing what you learned. As for me, I think in 2016 I learned how to dance. Not well, of course, and I speak both metaphorically and physically. To enjoy the small things with my daughter, to make my own music, and to embrace the chaos of this life as I pursue God’s plan…yeah, I think I learned how to dance.
Excellent answer!! That delicate dance is one I practice daily.
Beautiful thoughts. And the verse with those promises is AWESOME! Love this. Start to finish.
Thank you!
Kim Jones
It’s so encouraging to see fellow believers finding their peace in Christ amidst the troubles. Keep trusting in Him! And thank you for being faithful to Him!
I think sharing these testimonies helps encourage each other too!
Wow! It sounds like you’ve survived a tough year. Thank you for sharing your testimony. It’s how Christians react in struggles that declares to the world the goodness and faithfulness of God.
I know I have seen that stand true in my own life.
I hope that have a wonderful new year. Even in the sad moments, you have a great outlook to help you get through! Thanks for sharing your heart.
Thanks, Tara it already is a mixed bag. But lots of good stuff
“The blessing isn’t a storm free life, but God’s peace and presence in the storms.” Such a great reminder for us all. God never promised us a perfect life, but rather to be there with us every step of the way. We just don’t always recognize Him.
Very true!
Scott LaPierre
Wow Jen, sounds like you’ve had a really difficult year. Do you plan on sharing about some of the situations – at least those that aren’t too personal – with your readers over the coming year? No pressure, but I’m sure it would be a blessing for them and I hope it would be therapeutic for you.
Scott, if you go back and read my posts from this year, i think I have shared a lot of them just not the most recent ones because they involved my computer going to geek squad Heaven and a health issue that isn’t clear yet. But I didn’t want to spend this post caught up on a list of complaints because that misses the point of letting it go.
This is beautiful! This is real life. Real struggles and real hope and JOY in Christ. Thank you for sharing so that others know to keep focused on the Lord, not what they’ve lost or the hurt they have.
Thank you! Exactly!!
Thank you for your sincerity and openness. Sometimes new Christians assume that knowing Jesus means their life will be full of rose petals. While that’s certainly not the case all the time, you’re right- God’s presence and peace gets us through even the toughest situations that we know we couldn’t face alone.
We all wish for an easy life, but that doesn’t produce fruit.
Thank you for being real, open and honest. I really appreciate that. I, myself, also had a difficult year. It’s funny though, but it was also the year in which I had seen to most growth in me and my relationship with Christ. It is amazing how He turns what is intended for evil into a sweetness and aroma of Himself.
I know I grow more during rough times. God knows that too.
This is such a wonderful post. 2016 was hard for me in many ways but it taught me a very important lesson…God is always in the midst. My Pastor spent part of the year teaching on the book of Jonah and he said this in one message, “God is always previous.” God knew about every struggle I’d face, and He ALSO knows everything about 2017 already. He’s previous, so I can trust in Him and know I can handle the upcoming year and its challenges.
Oh, thank you! He is in our future and I believe the obstacles of today are preparing us for the ones He knows are coming. He works all things together for our good.