• I found my heart for Giving Tuesday through these words, "Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours." - Teresa Avila
    Causes,  Holidays

    Giving Tuesday

    Share16TweetPin2Share1WhatsApp19 SharesToday we started Advent, marking days toward the celebration of the greatest gift mankind has ever known, celebrating the birth of Christ. How fitting that this year, today is also Giving Tuesday. We follow days of gluttony and excess, perhaps self-absorption and consumption with a sweet day of being focused on doing good. How do you find your heart for Giving Tuesday? Giving Tuesday only started a few years ago, but is growing as more and more people recognize that we need to focus outside of ourselves. While, a calendar day set to tell you to give can make it feel compulsory, God doesn’t specify what to give or…