50 Shades of Green Valentine’s Day
Do you picture a 50 Shades kind of Valentine’s Day?
Are you doing Valentine’s Day wrong? I was for years and didn’t realize it until recently. The gift that made me realize just how much I’ve changed wasn’t really for me and involved new socks. And real love isn’t 50 shades of grey; it’s one shade of dark green, trust me.
This year my husband has to work late, may not even make it home for dinner, and will probably barely drag himself through the house and to bed after the week he’s had, and I’m okay with that.
In fact, when my husband “warned” me he has to work Valentine’s Day, I calmly replied, “Uh, okay? But we can celebrate another day, right?” He looked at me like I had two heads. That is just not the response I would have given a couple of years ago. Because I had gotten Valentine’s Day all wrong, caught up in the hype, the commercialization, feeling like this one day had to measure our relationship or how much he loves me.
And it sucked . . .
. . . all the joy out of celebrating our relationship. My husband got stressed about not disappointing me. He didn’t feel loved by worrying about whether I really wanted flowers even though I said I didn’t. He didn’t know if ‘I’m on a diet’ meant ‘don’t buy me chocolate’ or ‘you better buy me really good chocolate worth the extra treadmill time’.
So what changed? I did. I learned that I’m worth loving because God loves me. I learned to let God be my true love every day.
Psalm 73:26b (ESV) “. . . God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”
I started searching out and focusing on the promises of God’s devotion, paying attention to the times I see God at work in my life, then I started to worry less about getting love and more about being loving.
Lamentations 3:22-24 ESV “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”
When I started hoping in the Lord, I stopped placing unfair expectations on my husband.
I EXPECT him to be faithful. I EXPECT him to have a job, work hard, help care for our family.
There are many things that I might like or hope for, but don’t expect, because 1 Corinthians 13 says nothing about rigid expectations in what loves is and does.
In fact, my new attitude gives him permission to relax, and that is when he is his best romantic self. He took me out last week for a surprise trip to the theater to see a musical because he was going to miss Valentine’s Day.
But you know what got me really all week in the knees? He bought himself new socks. THAT ALL MATCH.
You may not understand the joy of this if you’re not a military wife. This will save me the weekly headache of matching ten pairs of socks by discoloration, wear, and amount they’ve stretched out.
But what made me happy is that he listened to me. I once told him how much frustration matching his old nasty socks caused me, and he remembered.
And Thursday, when errands kept me out later than he had to work, I came home to a clean house. He mopped, vacuumed, cleaned the counter tops, straightened up. I almost cried.
Our baby girl is sick. We’re going to spend the night home, on the couch, and maybe do some hot hand-holding after we germ-x each other.
Besides, the best way I can celebrate Valentine’s Day now is demonstrate what love should look like to my daughter, not expensive gifts, but true love, the real, hard, messy, wonderful stuff of folding army socks and kissing snotty faces.
This 50 Shades of Green Valentine’s Day beats 50 Shades of Grey, because real love will say, “I want to do disgusting things with you!”But you won’t see any of them in that movie.
Real love will say, 'I want to do disgusting things with you . . . like change diapers.' Click To Tweet
Real love asks you to wash someone’s dirty underwear, clean up puke, stay up all night rocking a feverish baby, drive him to work in yoga pants with no make-up, and other things so disgusting you couldn’t imagine doing them until the person you love needs a bandage changed or help after surgery doing even the smallest things for themselves.
But real builds a love so deep and lasting, you’ll forget what greeting card love ever was.
So whatever you do this weekend, don’t get the two confused.

Brandi @ penguinsinpink.com
This is cute and so true. God and real love make everything better.
But honestly at least all of his socks are green. My hubby’s socks are all different shades of black, blue, grey, brown and tan. Oh and the few white workout socks. And of course they are stretched out and worn and if I don’t match them he’ll match them. Which means he ends up wearing a black sock with a dark grey one with his navy blue suit. I actually enjoy matching socks and it’s become a fun game for my girls too.
Making things fun always makes things easier.
Yes! I remember the days of matching green socks. I agree with your post whole heartedly! Have a wonderful week!
Megan Elford
Right on! True love means doing real life together, not some Hollywood-ized version of what some would call love. I still remember the time my husband took care of my and our 4 kids when we were all hit with a stomach bug at once. All of us camped out in the master bedroom, and he was literally running from child to child with a puke bucket, stopping only to empty it when it was full. THAT is love right there!
Yes it is. It is in those moments that real love shines through
Kate @ Did That Just Happen?
Like this post much!! What a great reminder that the hole we sometimes feel in our lives is a God shaped hole, and that can’t be filled with candy and expectations of our loved ones!