Just Another Day – Waiting with Hope
Waiting with hope for answers to prayer can be the toughest challenge of our lives. We wait not knowing what the answer will be or when it will come. We try to have faith in the waiting. But what does the day before your miracle look like? Just another day.
After a long cold winter, maybe I’m just ready for some sunshine, but I have found that I’m usually seeking HOPE when I come to this special day on the calendar.
My verse of the day was this sweet promise in my devotional this morning.
This verse was so encouraging in my present circumstances, praying for my own healing and the salvation of several people especially precious to me.
I’m trying to live faithfully, knowing I can’t fast forward to see how my prayers are answered. Only God knows if He is moving in their hearts or using my present circumstances in some way.
Psalm 119:30 ESV “I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I set your rules before me.”
Living my witness despite daily life’s challenges is just part of the Christian mission on this side of heaven.
I’m trying to embrace the maturity and strength being built in me through obedience, but I’ll confess I struggle with hope some days, without seeing any visible results. Why aren’t my mountains moving?
I pray alone. I read my bible alone. And I wait alone, sometimes wondering if God knows how desperately I long to share these moments. Is He really listening?
Faith Can Move Mountains – Dark Gray Live Your Faith T-Shirt
And then I get a gentle reminder of the hope He has planned for us.
I opened my Time Hop app to see what was happening in my life on today’s date over the past several years. As I scrolled through the images, I realized today’s date: March 23.
I looked at back at this day from 2010 and thought, Wow, I didn’t know that my entire life was going to change in just 24 hours.
It was just another day.
I didn’t know it was the last day before an answer to prayer.
What does the day before a miracle look like? Just Another Day - Waiting with Hope. Click To Tweet
I had been praying since my teens to someday become a mother. After years struggling with infertility, a necessary hysterectomy had ended my hopes of ever giving birth, but we were pursuing adoption.
After years of saving money, months of searching for the right agency, more months of gathering paperwork, on March 23, 2010, we were on the adoption agency waiting list, praying to be chosen by a birth family, wondering if it would ever happen.
It was just another day.
But the next morning, my miracle happened!
My phone rang at 9 a.m. Our adoption agency was calling.
I will treasure the joy of that moment forever. My heart raced and time seemed to freeze when the agency representative said, “We have some great news! You’ve been matched!”
Honestly, I was so stunned I wasn’t sure what that meant. I had to ask a bunch of questions! A birth mother had chosen our family. She was expecting a baby girl in June and wanted us to be her parents!
But this isn’t really about our adoption, as much as it’s about the day before an answer comes.
On today’s date in 2010, I went to work, read the newspaper and longingly watched a friend prepare for her baby’s imminent arrival. It was just another day.
I had no sneak preview that this was the last day of waiting.
God answered my prayers when He was ready and beyond all our hopes. Our daughter is a cherished blessing: beautiful and sassy and precocious and rotten and wonderful. I’m blessed more than I deserve.
But on today’s date in 2010, I didn’t know she existed or that I would be celebrating Mother’s Day just a few weeks later with a brand new (very early) baby.
An answer felt 100 years away.
In some ways, it was a day of tremendous sadness. I had been asked by several people if we had heard anything from the agency yet. We had no idea if any end was in sight.
Hope is faith in things unseen, trusting while waiting, not knowing when our waiting will end. #HopeisFaith #AnsweredPrayers Click To TweetI went home from work and cried. Praying passionately, I gave it over to God, asking Him to bless our waiting, to bless our lives with the right child or no child if that was His plan.
In fact, that next morning, I continued in prayer for God to give me joy in the waiting. I would embrace the last few weeks or months as a couple and enjoy the waiting, trusting God’s timing. That was 7:30 a.m.
In just 90 minutes, God was going to answer my prayer. But He was waiting for my surrender to His will, His way because He wanted my whole heart’s devotion before making me a parent.
I surrendered to obedience.
Like I must continue to do today with these new hopes and prayers.
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Faith Is Not Believing God Can, It Is Knowing That He Will Soap Dispenser By Dexsa-the Giving CompanyTrending words of inspiration on glass soap dispenser for kitchen, bath, or powder room; clear glass with typography design screened on; pump top. Fill with your favorite detergent, soap, or lotion. 8 ounce capacity.Faith is not believing God can. It is knowing that He will. |
God will prosper (maybe in unexpected ways) the obedient service of my life, seeking God with all my heart. He will be my hope while I wait for His answers.
2 Chronicles 31:21 ESV “And every work that he undertook in the service of the house of God and in accordance with the law and the commandments, seeking his God, he did with all his heart, and prospered.”
Because I’ve learned waiting for God’s answers is really trusting Him.
And I can look back and know He had a perfect plan every step of the way, all for my good, and He knows how this story ends.
Today is just another day, but tomorrow . . .

Crystal @ Pennies and Playdough
What a beautiful post. Waiting would be so much easier if we knew how long we would have to wait! It is so important to remember that God is working in us during our season of waiting, and not to lose hope!
Yes! But the strength is in trusting without knowing
This post seriously gave me chills! We suffered from male factor infertility, and after a surgery that we thought had failed, we had an appointment with a new urologist who recommended yet another surgery as my husband’s condition was worse than before. By a miracle, we conceived that same month!
Wow! That is great! So exciting
This is so perfect. I never stopped to think about how every day without an answer could be the last day of waiting. How beautiful! We recently went through a period of trying unsuccessfully to become pregnant and I can think back to the tears and frustrations before we did conceive but I hadn’t thought of it this way. What a great reminder that His will is always perfect for us!
I think so! It always makes me so joyful to have this reminder!
Waiting is so hard, and I am so not patient. I currently have a planner and at the top of each week it asks what my intention will be for the week, for the last 3 weeks Patience has been my intention!! You have been so blessed! Thank you for sharing
I know you have different circumstances, but I hope this helps with your patience journey. Hearing others’ testimonies helps us remember God’s faithfulness.
I love this post so much. The day before the answer comes–and what a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing.
Sometimes, it’s harder than other times to wait for an answer to prayer
But God’s timing is always perfect.
Healing Mama
This brought tears to my eyes. Lately I’ve been struggling with my faith and hope, and someone very close to me. I know the Lord hears my prayers, but sometimes I get anxious. This post just goes to show that God always keeps His promises and words. I’m so happy you were blessed with a beautiful baby girl.
I am still waiting for some answers as well. The waiting is not wasted time.
Mardene Carr
Infertility is never easy to deal with, but you have dealt with it with so much grace and poise. Thanks for sharing
De Bolton
Wow, I am currently in that waitino phase. I am praying daily for God to humble my heart and give me peace and contentment while I wait. I know He is growing me and working with me on my impatience and I am trying to rejoice always, praying without ceasing, and give thanks In the circumstance I’m in (1 thessalonians 5:16-18). This was such a beautiful reminder it all can change tomorrow and my prayers can be answered I have to continue to live with hope. I really needed this post this week it’s been a struggle . Thank you
I’m glad it was an encouragement to you. Waiting is hard, but I’ve come to realize that it isn’t wasted time. God always has a purpose in our waiting.
Sounds a lot like our story. Hours notice. Life changed forever in God’s time…not mine. I couldn’t gave dreamed a better dream. Thank you for sharing and reminding us all, there are miracles around the corner, even when we have no idea when…God always a perfect plan. Beautiful story, my heart is do happy for you.
I’m glad you got a miracle too! God’s plan was so much better than mine.
So beautiful.
I love this perspective of the day before the miracle. It’s really helpful to think about how something we’ve waited and prayed so long for could really happen “suddenly”. Love this! Thanks for sharing!
I am glad you enjoyed it. The idea of not knowing it was just around the corner surprised me when I started thinking about it too!
Some days, all we have is hope that God will work out all things
For sure. It really is all we have.
This was beautiful, Jen! I have a couple of friends who are waiting to adopt, one who just experienced the heartbreak of a bio mom changing her mind. I’ll be sharing this and praying it gives them hope!
Oh, that breaks my heart for them, but I know that the right child is waiting. We had a birth mother miscarry. She was devastated. I told her that I was more worried for her and that it was only pointing us toward the child God meant for us to have.
Clare Speer
Such a beautiful example of “hope” – and what a miracle you did receive! Thanks for sharing this… I have been a bit discouraged and weary for a a few weeks and this was quite inspiring!
I’m glad it was encouraging to you. These tiny testimonies are part of building a relationship with Christ and growing strength when discouragement comes. I hope you’ll get some good answers to prayer soon.
Tammy Adams
His plans area always so much better than mine anymore.
So true!
Thank God for hope!
Ma. Nancy de Sagun
Amen! Such an inspiring story and reminder. Waiting is the hardest when God seems to be taking a long time to answer our prayers.
Mihaela Echols
This post really made me thing….just another day….well it could be but we as Beleivers have more then that…we have hope!
We do! I don’t know how people live without it
Rachel Osborn
I love this! I’ve always kept a journal, so I totally understand where you’re coming from! I remember, before I met my husband, I was at a low point in my life. Dissatisfied and lonely, I wasn’t sure what exactly what was missing or how to go about finding it. I did a lot of praying and crying out to God during that time. But despite my utter sadness, I felt a peace and joy I couldn’t explain. No sooner did I draw near to God, than He gave me the desires of my heart. 🙂 I think He was just preparing me during that time for the gift of my husband!
Yes! Every dawn follows a dark night. And we all know that, but need great reminders that those nights are preparation for who God wants us to be in His kingdom.
Caroline @ In Due Time
Wow wow. SO SO SO GOOD! You are so right. Thanks for encouraging my heart with this!!!!! Excited to see what tomorrow brings!
You never know when tomorrow will be your answer.
bill fields
Sarah Ann (@faithalongway)
Wow! SO powerful! We’ve been waiting on God to provide a new job with a new career for my husband for 8 months, with no prospects in sight. I needed the words of hope tonight and reminder that God is working, even when I can’t see Him. I loved hearing pieces of your adoption story, Both of our children were adopted and I know the ache that infertility can bring. Adoption is such a blessing.
You might also enjoy my post Faith Mountain it is very similar in theme. I have a lot not happening in my life right now on the outside, but trying to trust that my hands aren’t the best ones to make my future. I need to leave that to the master of the universe. Also, I have a page of adoption related posts on the top bar if you’re interested in the other bits and pieces. I hope you find God’s answer soon.
Starla J @ Pressing In and Pressing On
Lovely post. I love your perspective here. Thank you!!
Kate @ Did That Just Happen?
Love this post! What a great reminder that things happen in His time, and that we can’t plan our own lives. And what a beautiful reminder you have in your life that turning it over to Him can yield amazing results!
And not to judge the miracle tomorrow may hold by today.
Brandi @ penguinsinpink.com
Oh Jen! I just love this post. Thank you for sharing your heart.
My Truth, My Words, My Life
I have been too….just things were getting on top of me a bit. I stepped back and looked at me…..getting too far into things, but recognising it is the first and then working on…
Hope all will be well with you 🙂
Stepping back helps a lot.
I loved this blog! I can relate a lot to this entry, before I found out I was pregnant with my son 4 years ago, I had just lost my first pregnancy at 7 weeks gestation. The lost hit me very hard even though we had only known for a couple of weeks it was still hard to believe that I had lost something I had already loved. My husband was getting ready for his first deployment and we had come to a compromise that we would wait til he came home on R&R for two weeks and we would try then to get pregnant again. God always has a better plan though. A week before he left we found out we were pregnant with my son he is now 3.5.
Funny how His plans often are so different than how we would choose, but so much better in the end.