How God is Building my Faith Through the Storms of Life
Building my faith hasn’t come from the smooth seas in my life. I wish I learned things the easy way, but that has never been true for me.
Not when I learned that gravity was a pretty consistent fact of life no matter how fast I ran before jumping off the top of the stairs. Sigh. And I didn’t learn from the easy times when it came to growing my faith either.
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But I’ve seen how God has been working in the storms to build my faith into something pretty beautiful. It’s been so awesome to look back and see His hand.
And I’m excited to share this blog post I wrote for Lighthouse Bible Studies on some of the ways the storms of life are building my faith. Read an excerpt below – be sure to follow the link to read more!
A few years ago, preparations for hip surgery revealed a giant mass in my abdomen. Test after test and specialists all over two states said removing it might kill me, estimating a 50% chance of dying during the procedure.
One night, I remember rocking my then three-year-old daughter to sleep wondering how my death would affect her life and my family.
Choking back sobs, I prayed that if my death were necessary in God’s plan for my family, then I would trust Him. But I didn’t want to let go of this life just yet.
Thankfully, the surgeon decided a dangerous surgery wasn’t warranted for a non-cancerous growth. But that was a faith altering moment in my life.
I had to surrender my plans as a wife and mother to God’s will.
That surrender has been crucial in the barrages of storms since. That first step in building my faith helped me have peace and trust God during the more difficult times to come.
Read the rest of how God used the most discouraging moments in my life to draw me deeper as He was building my faith!
Building my Faith through the Storms of Life – complete post
Have you found that God has been building your faith during the challenges and storms in your life as well?