The Best Praise and Worship Songs for Easter Weekend
Are you searching for ways to center your heart on praise and worship this holy weekend? These worship songs for Easter weekend are filling my home today. Taking a few minutes (or more) to get your heart focused on the meaning of this weekend is especially important.
As a mom, holidays sometimes sneak up on me despite all sorts of mental notes not to let them. I find myself often racing through the things I have to do for the celebrations, and I don’t get to take the time to be still in Him.
Today, a few songs have been just echoing in my heart and head as I’ve been working, mothering, cooking. And I’m just convicted and celebrating the work Christ did once and for all for all of us.
Sometimes, just letting the words wash over me and singing them helps me praise Him and thank the Lord for His tremendous gift of His holy Son.
This first song strikes at my heart when I sing these lines.
“Behold the man upon the cross, my sin upon his shoulders. Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice call out among the scoffers. It was my sin that held him there until it was accomplished. His dying breath has brought me life. I know that it is finished.”
Oh how it breaks my heart that my sins were what held my Jesus on the cross, but can also rejoice in the beauty of His grace, knowing that I am free and forgiven today because of his sacrifice two thousand years ago. “His wounds have paid my ransom.”
Doesn’t that song just break your heart and convict you?
I know I need to remember that as holy as I strive to be, I could not do this without God opening my eyes, without Christ’s message and resurrection, and without the daily guiding of the Holy Spirit. Without Him, I might have been shouting, “Crucify Him” with everyone else.
Another song that I enjoy any time, but makes my list of worship songs for Easter is “This is Amazing Grace” by Phil Wickham. It is such a celebration of what Christ has done for me, but even more powerful today as we reflect on that first Good Friday.
I cannot bear to think what pain Christ suffered for me. It’s such a contradiction (like only Jesus offers) that we grieve the crucifixion of our sweet Jesus and celebrate the victory over sin and Satan at the same time.
If this song doesn’t just make you dance for joy, I don’t know what will!
“This is Amazing Grace. This is unfailing love. That you would take my place. That you would bear my cross. You would lay down your life that I would be set free. Oh, Jesus I sing for all that you’ve done for me.”
Another great worship song for Easter is Matthew West’s “Blessed Assurance“. We are so blessed as Christians to be able to be assured of salvation.
When so many other religions base their requirements for eternal life on what we DO. Only Christianity practices true grace. We are not forgiven or saved because of our actions, but only through what Christ has done.
John 19:30 ESV When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
While that verse has so much meaning as it is, studying the original moved me even more.
Looking at the Greek teleō for finished could also have some other meanings that are pretty powerful: completed, ended, fulfilled (looking at all the prophecy fulfilled in that minute is especially profound), but my favorite is PAID. It is paid. Jesus paid it all, once and for all.
This medley of “The Old Rugged Cross” and “Jesus Paid it All” by Anthem Lights gives me chills.
It’s so beautiful and brings me to tears. We love our contemporary music, but the hymns that generations of Christians have sung move my heart so deeply.
Another treasured one for me personally, is “Redeemed” by Big Daddy Weave. While not as focused on the cross as some of the others, it’s poignant because it focuses on how Christ’s work on the cross is real and relevant today because it redeemed us from our sin.
Sometimes, we let our shame and regret dictate who we believe we are, but God calls us HIS REDEEMED, BELOVED. And I need that reminding all the time. All the sins of my past are dead and gone. I have become a vessel cleaned and ready for all good work.
2 Timothy 2:21 ESV Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.
Oh, thank God, redeemed.
This is another one that I’ve been walking around singing today. I love how when I made a conscious decision to choose to only listen to Christian music that when my mind starts to mindlessly hum a little tune, these are the songs and words that fill my head.
I could probably share a hundred more. But I’ll leave you with this one. It’s a tribute to Billy Graham set to MercyMe’s “I Can Only Imagine.” It’s a moving tribute set to one of my favorite songs!
But I’m sharing it on this list of worship songs for Easter because, just last night I was talking to a young wife I mentor about the assurance of our salvation, that we don’t get to heaven from our works, though our faith should be evident in our works, but that we get to Heaven through faith in Christ alone. And I told her the story mentioned at minute 5 – I was not prepared to see that there, and now I’m weeping big, messy tears. I love how God confirms when He wants you know something.
I know this wasn’t my typical post. You can search YouTube for great worship songs for Easter as much as I can.
But I wanted to share these precious songs with you today because they are what has moved me and allowed me to stop worrying about dying eggs or having enough jelly beans and just celebrate Jesus.
I pray your Easter weekend is full of joy and Jesus!