A Rape Victim’s Problem with Fifty Shades and the like
The Fifty Shades series is just the newest, shiniest example of racy romance novels turned into movies. As a Christian, I shouldn’t have to say anything to other Christians about not to reading or watching them, but as a rape victim and a mother, I felt I needed to.
A lot of wonderful pastors have written tremendous articles about the dangers of Christians watching movies like Fifty Shades of Grey and Fifty Shades Darker.
I can’t add much to such an excellent Christian commentary. I can only offer the purity standard I try to maintain for our home.
Because I can add my personal perspective on Fifty Shades as a date rape victim.
Movies like this that twist sex and violence aren’t harmless entertainment. They shape our views of sexuality. And affect the attitudes and behaviors of their viewers.
Films like these depict intense, sexually-charged content, which pushes viewers to seek more exciting, more forbidden sexual content.
And often viewers act on these fantasies, which is destroying healthy views on sex and sexuality.
Fight the New Drug discusses studies that looked at the effect of graphic sexual media on teens, concluding people expect what they see of sexual relationships, for better or worse.
Movies like Fifty Shades show a man manipulating a woman into believing she will be sexually gratified through dominance and violence, and makes it seem romantic and fulfilling.
Violent sex isn’t romantic.
As a survivor of date rape, I find it tremendously troubling women have made this series successful. We are financing the spread of the pervasive media lie that women want to be forced into submissive sexual roles defined by pain and violence.
We are contributing to a rape culture because we learn to accept this twisted view of sexuality as normal in the name of embracing our sexuality.
Violence, pain, & force aren't healthy parts of sexual relationships. Say No to 50 Shades. Click To TweetMy generation was the first with VCRs and access to porn right in their homes. Many boys I knew watched it and expected girls to match their movies, including believing that saying no was a game of “persuade me.”
I was a thing to be used, not respected or valued.
Many studies show ANY pornographic content affects the way we think about human sexuality. Even after viewing non-violent graphic sex, men were more likely to view women as less equal and believe NO only when accompanied by a slap.
This climate created the date rape culture that made me a victim.
Rape left a jagged wound in my life that will never completely go away. God has healed much of my hurt and used my experiences to help others, but I cannot ever completely erase the impact from my mind.
Sexually graphic media perpetuates a culture in which women are objectified not valued. Click To TweetMost days I walk around completely forgetting it ever happened. However, in a flash, rape raises its ugly head in the middle of a conversation, a usually tame television show, or a movie scene I didn’t anticipate.
While I don’t blame myself, I can tell you that my rapists’ sexual sin is like a poisonous weed that I can never completely eradicate. My rapist perpetrated violence against me on the inside, affecting more than just my physical body.
Rape is a crime against more than the body.
I can’t tell you how destructive it is to the true, God-honoring intimacy of marriage to have these mental and emotional flashbacks of my victimization.
Thankfully, through Christ and inside a loving marriage, the impact weakens. Yet, even when everything is perfect and good, I have found myself weeping because the shame and pain from my past poisoned what God has given us for joy.
So what does this have to do with Fifty Shades?
I have forgiven my rapist inside myself and in prayer, but never had personal closure. I don’t know what created the violent, sexual person he was so young. But I never want to support an industry or media that creates the widespread acceptance of sexual sin.
1 Corinthians 6:18 ESV / Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.
Love and sex are already confusing in our sexualized culture. Kids are exposed to images of sexuality in hamburger commercials. Raising our children to be disciples of Christ in a society that ambushes their purity is hard enough.
Loving and satisfying sex within marriage is the true ideal.
Proverbs 5:18-19 ESV / Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love.
We need to create a culture for our children that honors appropriate sexuality for ourselves and our children.
Hebrews 13:4 ESV / Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.
So, I would ask you to learn about the very real links between watching (or reading) content like Fifty Shades and violence. I would ask you to consider changing the channel during the commercials for the film or writing to letters to the networks that air them.
We need to do more than not watch them, we need to change the culture for our children.
My daughter deserves a marriage with beautiful intimacy fueled by real passion for each other. I don’t want her to experience the pale reflection our sinful culture tries to appropriate.
That starts with us refusing to financially support ANY media that portrays graphic sex.
And that starts with you today.
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I completely agree. The other day I even heard a family member jokingly say,”How does it feel to always be number two?” You know, since I’m a woman. I got really angry and said that that’s how sexual assault starts. By treating someone lesser, using sexist words and actions to dominate and demean. As a victim myself, it’s serious. As a Christian, it’s serious. As a mother, it’s serious. I just pray for people to take responsibility for what they watch instead of falling into acceptable social practices. Thank you for sharing!
I am so sorry that you have experienced this. I am thankful that you have chosen to use your voice to speak out against this content that is twisting hearts to hurt others instead of love.
You are right, we have to change the culture for our future children.
We really do!
Lillian Stevens
I so admire you for bravely sharing your story and encouraging women to test what they put before their eyes with scripture!
So glad I clicked on over!
Thank you! I hope it helps all of us be wiser about what we watch or read and how everyone can make a difference.
Michelle Harris
I admire you greatly for spreading the word most people do not think of the devastating effect of books and films such as this. One of my daughters suffered Child Abuse well rape really at age 11 she still suffers, as do I as a mother who feels I did not protect my daughter as I should have
It is so hard to protect from. Most kids are abused by someone we know and think we can trust. She can still be ok, but needs a lot of support to know her true worth. It is really devastating to self-esteem.