The Best Homeschool App (you’re not using)
I’ve used this app before for fun, but didn’t think to use it with my pre-k child until just last week. Whether you are homeschooling or supplementing your child’s education, this application has amazing benefits. We’ve just barely made the decision to homeschool, so I am looking for as many easy homeschooling tricks as I can find. Part of our decision is that school doesn’t have to take all day, so cross-curricular lessons are especially beneficial. But I also want to create the most beneficial educational experience for her. And why I am so glad I found this app. Because she loves Dora the Explorer and Diego and is enamored…
Let Him be Her Dad
Let him be her dad. It is a lesson I have to relearn often because dads are imperfect. It’s really easy from the outside to see how I might have handled things differently, but he needs the freedom to be who God made him to be. God gave each of us the perfectly imperfect parents we were meant to have. To let him be her dad, I had to learn humility and my Heavenly Father’s perspective. On this Father’s Day, I spent a lot of time thinking about my dad, my step-father-in-law, my father-in-law and my daughter’s father. Each of these men did things differently, wonderfully, imperfectly. But each were…
Christians as Rachel Dolezal: Faking it
Rachel Dolezal’s behavior might seem confusing to us, but have you ever been around a group of people and been deeply jealous of their joy, attitude, experience, togetherness, bond? Something inside you begged to belong? This week Facebook has again been abuzz with the scandal of Rachel Dolezal, former head of the Spokane, Washington chapter of the NAACP. She lied about not only her background, but about who she is at the core of her being. She isn’t African-American. Her parents provided teenage pictures proving Rachel isn’t just not black, but she shares my ultra-Caucasianess. Many are analyzing her behavior, motivation, techniques, and even hairstyles, but the truth is – she…
A Speeding Ticket Lesson in Grace
We were running what I like to affectionately term “almost late.” As usual, I should say. I used to be early for everything then I became the mother of a child who actively thwarts all attempts to leave the house in a timely fashion, leading me to be a tad creative with my defensive driving techniques. I won’t say I’m Mario Andretti, but one of my friends posted this meme to my Facebook page. Today, we were only running slightly behind schedule, but I needed to be somewhere early, so I was speeding. I think I was going 65 or so in a 55 mph area. I was going down…
Welcome to the Club
It’s been just about a year since this happened. I still can’t believe she did that! I don’t even notice the marks on the bed anymore. I am forever grateful that I was able to handle this act of destruction in a loving way. Our relationship would have been more damaged than the bed had I not.