Revisited: My Perspective on Homemaking and Tiffany Lamps
My perspective on homemaking has really changed in recent years as I’ve worked harder to make my heart a home for Christ. What I had always imagined wasn’t what God wanted at all. (Heaven not Harvard is as a participant in affiliate programs including the Amazon Associates Program. As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.) I used to obsessively watch HGTV and dream of my perfect space. But once I had my dream home, I’ve realized that God isn’t interested in how I decorate it as much as he wants to be the master of how I live in it. I used to imagine my future home once I…
Too Late
This will be a short post today because I have written in-depth about Saving Eliza before in my post The Last 365. When I wrote the last blog, her parents were still hopeful. They had months to raise the remaining funds and Eliza was not showing any symptoms of degeneration. They began a social media challenge (#sing2lines) in order to raise awareness and funds. If everyone reading this gave $25, we could save her life today. But today I was heartbroken anew. An article on People.com shared that she is losing words. I cannot imagine watching my child be slowly erased by a missing gene, knowing every step backward is…
Yesterday, as we were leaving church, I stopped to chat with our youth pastor. I asked him how he is feeling about getting ready to be a first time daddy. He laughed nervously and said, “OK, but ask me again in a few months.” I wanted to tell him it will be OK, that you can plan, but you can’t really be prepared for how a baby changes life. I tried to explain, but I couldn’t find the words to truly express what a magical journey parenthood is. God carefully crafted parenthood, every step. He planned how children grow with how we learn. They start off pretty simple: feed, burp,…
Planting Sunflowers: Raising Children to Seek the Son
Raising children is a harder job than I ever imagined. I say goodnight most nights feeling like I barely sputtered across the finish line, often holding onto regrets from the day, all my pretty failures and missed moments dangling from my weary eyelids. (this site uses Affiliate links-purchases support our ministry through a small referral fee that never affects your cost.) Somedays, I feel like I’m trying to stand still in the middle of a child-based hurricane. All I know how to do for sure is hold onto the anchor. Hebrews 6:19 ESV / We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters…
Real God in an Artifically Flavored World
Today, (contrary to everything I’ve been trying to do all year) I purposefully gave my child high fructose corn syrup, artificially flavored, red dye #40 (or whatever is causing cancer this week) on a stick. Yep, all the rules of how we’re trying to eat clean – broke ’em. Nobody died. I don’t even think I gave her cancer. I have been learning a lot about our food this past year, and frankly, it’s terrifying. It is hard to find anything the experts can agree on. So today the rubber met the road, and I cried UNCLE. My daughter gets ferociously carsick on her best days. Every trip past 15…