Godly Parenting
Parenting as an extension of my redemption in Christ, of who I am as a Godly woman, who I am as a saved sinner and how that truth impacts my life and parenting.
How can my Sweet Baby Girl be Six Already?
Six already? How can my sweet baby girl be six already? No matter how often I try to grasp the sands of time a little tighter, be more determined to be more intentional, the days just keep running away with my heart. I’ve started writing these birthday letters to my daughter. I email them to her at an email address that will hold various letters, memories, pictures until she’s an adult. I hope that it will be a precious gift to her someday. Dear Sweet Girl, You quietly turned six tonight as I kicked green and orange balloons into your room and wove streamers around your bed as you slept,…
Easy Ways to Make the Bible Kid Friendly
The Bible is the one book we say is the most important in our homes, but how do we make it truly central in the lives of our children and home in a meaningful way? (Heaven not Harvard is as a participant in affiliate programs including the Amazon Associates Program. As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.) Give them the Bible and Bible stories that are accurate and age appropriate. My daughter was given her first toddler board book bible before she could walk. We read the stories together regularly, although not as often as I wish we had. The days go by so fast! But the real difference…
How Motherhood Changed my Mother’s Day Perspective
Motherhood has completely changed my Mother’s Day perspective through every challenging and exhilarating moment. Each year has added to the fullness of the beauty of mothering as much as to its challenges. Instead of expecting gifts, I try to celebrate BEING a mother on Mother’s Day. Card company expectations are the enemy of joy, while macaroni necklaces, dandelions, and Crayola cards are priceless. I’ve learned to celebrate the messy work of being a mother. As my daughter becomes increasingly independent, my role is shifting from primarily physical needs to more emotional and spiritual guidance, which is teaching me so many new aspects of motherhood. My Mother’s Day perspective is also…
This is the Real Work of a Christian Mother
Being a Christian mother was all I ever wanted, but now that I’m here, sometimes, I fashion myself a writer. I sit on my couch, mug of coffee brewing inspiration inside my head, believing that sharing my tiny words are worth the tedious hours buried behind my computer. (Heaven not Harvard is as a participant in affiliate programs including the Amazon Associates Program. As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.) I sometimes even believe that my writing is the noble work I’m doing with my present days. I sweat ink and bleed commas and stumble my way through learning all this techno blogging rot to share my faith with…
The Only Baby Advice You Really Need
I’ve found the only baby advice you really need. It’s the advice I wish I had known before my daughter was born, something I have to remember daily, and still true if your baby is 2, 10, 25, or 45. So last year, I traveled across the country for my sister’s baby shower. She was expecting a much prayed over, long-hoped for baby, who is now a super adorable 1 year old! Part of her baby shower was that we were asked to share our best baby advice on these cute onesie-shaped cards that my mom placed into an album for her. Talk about pressure – how do you summarize…