Godly Parenting
Parenting as an extension of my redemption in Christ, of who I am as a Godly woman, who I am as a saved sinner and how that truth impacts my life and parenting.
Haircut Failure
Have you ever known you were making a mistake while you were doing it, and kept at it anyway? I think that pretty much sums up my daughter’s recent, unplanned haircut, for both of us. *SIGH* Being a mother challenges the worrier in all of us. I’ve struggled with worry. I’m learning to take my worry to God and doing better at leaving it with Him. I hate the scary things in this world, but am learning to seek wisdom and understanding what things I can actually control, and to know when to pray and let it just be on my radar instead of blocking my entire path. And I…
More than Conquerors
I started this #30DaysWithoutComplaint challenge with a true desire to let God’s work in my heart flow into all areas of my life, starting with what I say, hoping to then transform how I think, and eventually be able to master what attitude I have. The first couple of days went really well, but I got a little cocky and too busy. I let distractions pull me away from my quiet time with God. And I didn’t have my armor on when life got tough. Ephesians 6:11 ESV “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.” When my…
Thoughts from a Family Who Has Been Quarantined for 150 Days
As I am working through my #30DaysWithoutComplaint challenge, I am challenged that I have nothing really to complain about. A friend of a friend who has become a virtual friend has written this blog about the self-imposed quarantine his family has undertaken in an attempt to save his daughter. This is heart-breaking, soul-shattering for me to even consider. This is love with no end. Please click this link and see a new depth to sacrifice. Thoughts from a Family Who Has Been Quarantined for 150 Days. For more information, you can read my earlier posts, The Last 365 or Too Late about her condition and with videos and links to…
30 Days Without Complaint 48 hours: Be a Light in the World
As I prepare to undertake this transformative challenge again this year, I am revisiting what I learned only 48 hours into 30 days without complaint the very first year – learning to be a light in the world. First, since I’ve started this challenge, I’ve found that God has continually blessed me with ample opportunities to practice. Not complaining may be a bit like praying for patience. Once I ask, I get lots of chances to practice. Because I genuinely care about people, I am generally very friendly. But my heart is fed by lots of quiet time, so busy days can be very stressful for me. You might think…
Can you go 30 Days Without Complaint?
Want to change your attitude? Have more peace? Experience more joy in your life? Take the 30 Days without Complaint challenge with me! I started taking this challenge in 2014. After considering what constitutes complaining, I decided that I wanted to eliminate all of it from my attitude, truly find contentment no matter my circumstance. (Heaven not Harvard is as a participant in affiliate programs including the Amazon Associates Program. As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.) The dictionary definition of complain reads, “to say or write that you are unhappy, sick, uncomfortable, etc., or that you do not like something: to say something that expresses annoyance or unhappiness.”…