Godly Parenting
Parenting as an extension of my redemption in Christ, of who I am as a Godly woman, who I am as a saved sinner and how that truth impacts my life and parenting.
Revisited: My Perspective on Homemaking and Tiffany Lamps
My perspective on homemaking has really changed in recent years as I’ve worked harder to make my heart a home for Christ. What I had always imagined wasn’t what God wanted at all. (Heaven not Harvard is as a participant in affiliate programs including the Amazon Associates Program. As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.) I used to obsessively watch HGTV and dream of my perfect space. But once I had my dream home, I’ve realized that God isn’t interested in how I decorate it as much as he wants to be the master of how I live in it. I used to imagine my future home once I…
Yesterday, as we were leaving church, I stopped to chat with our youth pastor. I asked him how he is feeling about getting ready to be a first time daddy. He laughed nervously and said, “OK, but ask me again in a few months.” I wanted to tell him it will be OK, that you can plan, but you can’t really be prepared for how a baby changes life. I tried to explain, but I couldn’t find the words to truly express what a magical journey parenthood is. God carefully crafted parenthood, every step. He planned how children grow with how we learn. They start off pretty simple: feed, burp,…
Planting Sunflowers: Raising Children to Seek the Son
Raising children is a harder job than I ever imagined. I say goodnight most nights feeling like I barely sputtered across the finish line, often holding onto regrets from the day, all my pretty failures and missed moments dangling from my weary eyelids. (this site uses Affiliate links-purchases support our ministry through a small referral fee that never affects your cost.) Somedays, I feel like I’m trying to stand still in the middle of a child-based hurricane. All I know how to do for sure is hold onto the anchor. Hebrews 6:19 ESV / We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters…
Real God in an Artifically Flavored World
Today, (contrary to everything I’ve been trying to do all year) I purposefully gave my child high fructose corn syrup, artificially flavored, red dye #40 (or whatever is causing cancer this week) on a stick. Yep, all the rules of how we’re trying to eat clean – broke ’em. Nobody died. I don’t even think I gave her cancer. I have been learning a lot about our food this past year, and frankly, it’s terrifying. It is hard to find anything the experts can agree on. So today the rubber met the road, and I cried UNCLE. My daughter gets ferociously carsick on her best days. Every trip past 15…
Today isn’t going to be super deep, just celebrating getting something right and seeing the fruits of my preparation blossom, and I wanted to share this skill because I know I’ve seen how this improves our lives time and time again. Something I have seen as a teacher is the importance of previewing activities. As a teacher, we preview to help students understand the objectives in a new lesson, to tie in previous learning to the new skills, and to clarify the purpose and procedure of the activity. Previewing is literally the best tool in my parenting toolbox because it prevents issues. Rather than be reactive to a crisis, previewing…