Godly Parenting
Parenting as an extension of my redemption in Christ, of who I am as a Godly woman, who I am as a saved sinner and how that truth impacts my life and parenting.
Last Minute Ways to Make Christmas Magic
It took me a long time to realize what made Christmas magic in my home growing up. In fact, I don’t know that I really realized exactly what it had been until 2017. And every year, I spend more and more time thinking about why I’m so sentimental about Christmas. I realize now, it didn’t cost a lot and even if you only have a few days before Christmas, anyone can make the kind of magic that makes the holiday season a special time for your children. I only remember a handful of gifts, but the feeling of that childhood Christmas magic will never be lost for me. My mom…
Solving Family Conflict in a Christ Pleasing Way
Family conflict is especially hurtful. We know the world at large will hurt us, but expect our family to be a safe place. We hope our family loves, respects, values, treasures us. So when family conflict surfaces, we are often surprised and find ourselves deeply wounded. But when we are hurt, we usually don’t respond well. Our first instinct is to get defensive. Our second is to wound back or withdraw. Neither response strikes at the heart of the conflict or reflects Christ. And families often gather at already stressful times: weddings, funerals, holidays. Emotions are already running high. One careless word can ignite a firestorm if we don’t focus…
The Best Christmas Books You Need in Your Home
These are some of the best Christmas books you need if you love reading with your children. It is one of my favorite times to share with my daughter. I I especially love sitting around the tree with Christmas music softly playing as we read together as a family. One low maintenance tradition we celebrate each Christmas is the 24 books of Christmas. From December 1-24, we open and read together one Christmas or winter book everyday. Wait – I though you said LOW MAINTENANCE?!?! I know 24 books doesn’t SOUND low maintenance, but this really is pretty easy. I buy one fairly large gift bag and a package of…
The Importance of the Lost Art of Sacrificial Giving
Is sacrificial giving something that weighs on your heart like it does mine? I find myself torn because so many causes seem worthwhile, but giving sacrificially is so much more than just donating. It’s having the right heart in the process. Sacrificial giving is a lost art in our culture built on abundance and wealth. Too often, we’ll give out of the overflow of our closets rather than the overflow of our hearts. Or we pay all our bills and then see what’s left for the Lord and charity. Or give away items we’ve loved just a bit too long. (Heaven not Harvard is as a participant in affiliate programs…
Free Yourself from all the Christmas Expectations this Year
Do you need to free yourself from all the Christmas expectations this year? Are you starting to feel like December slides into January in a miserable haze of rushing around and the “not enough” voices echoing in your head? Where does all this pressure come from? Often times, we invite it in! We scan Pinterest for ideas, but end up feeling like our homes are less than. We watch holiday movies with perfect homes and magical decor. And we compare with our friends and family, especially over social media. We end up feeling driven to create the perfect, spectacularly magical Christmas, and bind ourselves to unreasonable Christmas expectations. (Heaven not…