Internet Friends Day
Today is Internet Friends Day. Yeah, I didn’t know that was a thing either. So what? The internet has created my tribe of people. I was about to ignore it when I thought about how God uses the internet to build my tribe of people. Some amazing Godly people came into my life ONLY through the internet. Several churches and ministries are speaking into my life only through the internet. Some connections are very new, but Godly people, writing and talking and sharing Jesus, and we’re learning each other from completely different ends of the world. This transient Army life contradictorily brings people into our lives and takes them away.…
My Best New Years Resolution
I used to make the same resolution every year. But I don’t want to make just any resolution this year. I want to make my BEST New Years Resolution. How do you decide what New Years Resolution to make? Do you give it tons of thought? choose a bad habit you’ve been meaning to quit? or decide to try something new? This year, I was kind of at a loss. Maybe, I’m taking life more seriously as I get older, but I’m tired of shallow resolutions that don’t become life changes. Every year, I used to make the same New Years Resolution – to lose weight. I’m not a whole…
Fewer Toys make Happier Kids
With ads, and discounts galore, I find it hard not to get caught up in shopping this time of year, but . . . is the key to happier kids actually fewer toys? As Christmas shopping winds up, I’m doing my best to recognize the benefits of fewer toys for my children, but part of me just wants to spoil them rotten. I want my kids to remember magical holidays filled with gifts and surprises, so it’s hard to balance my desire to watch her and her brothers’ faces light up with joy on Christmas morning with the knowledge that fewer toys is better for them for so many reasons.…
Giving Tuesday
Today we started Advent, marking days toward the celebration of the greatest gift mankind has ever known, celebrating the birth of Christ. How fitting that this year, today is also Giving Tuesday. We follow days of gluttony and excess, perhaps self-absorption and consumption with a sweet day of being focused on doing good. How do you find your heart for Giving Tuesday? Giving Tuesday only started a few years ago, but is growing as more and more people recognize that we need to focus outside of ourselves. While, a calendar day set to tell you to give can make it feel compulsory, God doesn’t specify what to give or who…
A Speeding Ticket Lesson in Grace
We were running what I like to affectionately term “almost late.” As usual, I should say. I used to be early for everything then I became the mother of a child who actively thwarts all attempts to leave the house in a timely fashion, leading me to be a tad creative with my defensive driving techniques. I won’t say I’m Mario Andretti, but one of my friends posted this meme to my Facebook page. Today, we were only running slightly behind schedule, but I needed to be somewhere early, so I was speeding. I think I was going 65 or so in a 55 mph area. I was going down…