The Best Praise and Worship Songs for Easter Weekend
Are you searching for ways to center your heart on praise and worship this holy weekend? These worship songs for Easter weekend are filling my home today. Taking a few minutes (or more) to get your heart focused on the meaning of this weekend is especially important. As a mom, holidays sometimes sneak up on me despite all sorts of mental notes not to let them. I find myself often racing through the things I have to do for the celebrations, and I don’t get to take the time to be still in Him. Today, a few songs have been just echoing in my heart and head as I’ve been…
Should Protestants Participate in Lent?
Should Protestants participate in Lent? It’s Fat Tuesday and people are racing to decide what to give up for Lent. In Christian circles, I’ve seen a lot of debate over how to or who should participate in Lent. While my initial answer on this will be clear as mud, hopefully it will make sense to those in the same place I am spiritually. The answer is yes and no. No, they SHOULD not. The Bible doesn’t outline Lent as a requirement of the faith. We need to be cautious in adding things to what the Bible says salvation requires. John 20:31 ESV But these are written so that you may believe…
The Best Way to Explain Easter to a Kindergartner
What is the best way to explain Easter to a kindergartner? She knows the story, she knows Jesus, but I want to help her understand the depth of His choice to go to the cross for us. Choosing to follow Jesus means more than just thinking He was a great guy. We have to grasp our sin sent Him to the cross. I need to really talk with my kid about Jesus, even the hard things. During Lent, we had been devotionally traveling through Jesus’s last week, reading about Palm Sunday, discussing how Jesus’s humble entrance into Jerusalem on the donkey fulfilled ancient prophecy. Can you imagine any of our…