• I had to decide between faith and fear. I decided I have a big REAL God in this artificially flavored world.
    Godly Parenting

    Real God in an Artifically Flavored World

    Today, (contrary to everything I’ve been trying to do all year) I purposefully gave my child high fructose corn syrup, artificially flavored, red dye #40 (or whatever is causing cancer this week) on a stick. Yep, all the rules of how we’re trying to eat clean – broke ’em. Nobody died. I don’t even think I gave her cancer. I have been learning a lot about our food this past year, and frankly, it’s terrifying. It is hard to find anything the experts can agree on. So today the rubber met the road, and I cried UNCLE. My daughter gets ferociously carsick on her best days. Every trip past 15…