• Scrambling to make something great with leftovers? This delicious Blueberry Muffin Bread Pudding recipe solved my crisis with empty plates in record time.
    Homemaking,  Recipes

    Blueberry Muffin Bread Pudding Recipe

    Scrambling to make something great with leftovers? This delicious Blueberry Muffin Bread Pudding recipe solved my crisis with empty plates in record time. Some days, dragging myself out of bed is hard enough, much less trying to find something more creative than cereal to feed my kiddos. I was really excited when my brainstorm blueberry muffin bread pudding recipe was a hit! (this site uses Affiliate links-purchases support our ministry through a small referral fee that never affects your cost.) One morning, I had a rare occurrence – leftover muffins. They had gotten stuck in a container and hidden WAY in the back of the fridge. You know the kind…