• We can tend the soil, nurture the shoots, but we can't always see the storms looming in the distance. Tomato Plant Children - Heaven Not Harvard
    Godly Parenting

    Tomato Plant Children

    We eat a lot of tomatoes. I think my husband lives on pico de gallo. I can’t tell you the number of last-minute shopping trips that involve needing a tomato. So, in my infinite wisdom, I, who cannot keep any potted plants alive and do only marginally better with a flower garden, decided we should buy a trellised potted tomato plant last summer so we would have at least a small supply on hand. We carefully picked just the right place for it, watered it diligently, watched excitedly as it bloomed. When the first tomatoes began to grow, my daughter stood over them everyday waiting to pick the first one.…

  • Mother's Day is full of perfect images, but we're imperfect and that's how God's plan works best.
    Adoption,  Godly Parenting

    Mother’s Day 2014

    As a blogger, it can be hard to write about holidays or events on demand. I’ve spent all week trying to approach writing about Mother’s Day. My entire blog is about being a Christian mother, and I covered a lot about becoming a mother in an earlier post, Seriously Harvard? that dealt with Samuel 1, Hannah’s story. Plus, many of my friends are struggling this year with having lost a mother or a child, or never having been a mother in the traditional sense. I understand that pain. Being barren myself, Mother’s Day has been hard for me for a long time. I’ve never even gotten to experience the tiniest…