• Pointing fingers never lead me to the right answers. Only love did that. Heaven Not Harvard
    Faith based living

    Pointing Fingers

    I’ve seen a lot of Pointing Fingers on the internet in the past year about gay marriage, abortion, Planned Parenthood, Target’s restroom policy, etc. But I haven’t see anyone change his/her opinion because of pointing fingers who declare they have a lock on the truth. Instead of arguing, I just wanted to tell you a small part of my story. Nothing I ever did was out of a desire to destroy my life or ruin my relationships or disrespect my parents, but I did do all of those things. From the time I was a teenager, hormones and burgeoning independence and following the popular cult of ME led my life…

  • Do you ever struggle with feeling rejected? Between gossip and judgmental 'friends', we all do from time to time. But what is God's truth?
    Faith based living

    Rejected Rock or Cornerstone

    Do you ever feel rejected? I have been really struggling with rejection the past few weeks: gossip, slander, unkind messages, ignored phone calls. Praying and working through this issue, I’ve realized feeling rejected has colored on the canvas of my entire life (but I’m in good company). I remember being happy and confident as a child. Then the first day of kindergarten, I somehow didn’t fit. I was called cruel names. No one asked me to play during recess. A cruel boy ruined my new ‘cowboy’ boots in second grade when I left them in the coat room. I was rejected and bullied mercilessly throughout elementary and middle school. Sophomore…

  • Are you trying to fill your heart with the things you do? A science experiment made God's love real to me at my daughter's birthday party in an object lesson I won't forget. God's grace changed my identity. #Godsloveisreal #GodsGrace #ChristianMom #ChristianWoman #ChristianBlogger #Christianity #HisGraceGirls
    Faith based living,  Godly Parenting

    The Experiment that Made God’s Love Real to Me

    A science experiment made God’s love real to me at my daughter’s fourth birthday party in an object lesson I never forgot. My daughter had a science themed birthday party when she turned four. I was searching for a cute gender neutral party theme, and thought science experiments would be something different and extra fun. All the kids wore labs coats and colorful safety glasses. They blew touchable bubbles from test tubes, and we performed several easy experiments. We covered the lawn with Mentos and Diet Coke, the kitchen with vinegar and baking soda. The party was a blast. One of everyone’s favorites was the packing peanuts experiment. I took…