This is the Real Work of a Christian Mother
Being a Christian mother was all I ever wanted, but now that I’m here, sometimes, I fashion myself a writer. I sit on my couch, mug of coffee brewing inspiration inside my head, believing that sharing my tiny words are worth the tedious hours buried behind my computer.
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I sometimes even believe that my writing is the noble work I’m doing with my present days.
I sweat ink and bleed commas and stumble my way through learning all this techno blogging rot to share my faith with the world. And feel accomplished when someone I don’t know reads and shares my post. I can get pretty puffed up about it.
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But over the past few months, I see God taking me through an obstacle course towards real humility, a complete laying down of self. And I realize, I may be doing the most noble work of my life as a Christian mother, not writer.
My writing isn’t so incredibly exceptional the world cannot do without it. The only thing that makes this blog worth reading is when God supersedes my ego and grabs hold of my keyboard, letting me write in desperate humility about my challenges and faith as a Christian mother.
Am I missing the REAL WORK of being a Christian mother focusing too much on my own agenda? Click To TweetToday was a day full of tiny chores: scrubbing the grimy counters again, dusting the creepy cobwebs, washing dishes, cooking meals then washing those dishes, teaching homeschool, and patient parenting when she wanted attention the second I started something else.
And I felt myself grumbling. Why do I have to do all of this busywork when I could be doing something more important? And I felt God nudge me rather harshly.
But this IS the real work of Christian motherhood!
Don’t you know that learning to serve, to clean, to do the hard work that no one notices is the REAL work, the real work on your heart.
You know how hard life has been lately? And you see the way I’m growing strength and perseverance in you through the hard and disappointing? You see how I’m building your faith and softening your spirit.
Don’t you realize how much motherhood builds Godly character?
So I climbed the ladder to make my stepsons’ bunk beds instead of asking my husband to do it. I searched the house for a missing wallet. Then did the laundry they left and a few more loads to boot. I cleaned the kitchen, started dinner, organized the Tupperware that would be a mess again in five minutes. I ate lunch with my daughter instead of rushing to do something “more important.”
God is teaching me what joyful, humble service looks like through being a Christian mother.
Jesus didn’t wash the disciples’ feet because they were dirty. He did it because humble service is important.
Jesus didn't wash the disciples' feet because they were dirty. Humble service is important. Click To TweetI’ve learned more about the heart of Christ cleaning toilets, picking up dirty underwear, and vacuuming floors than anything else I’ve done. Because real service serves not to be seen, but in order to point to Jesus.
Except by God, He sees it all.
And just when I needed reminding, this video came across my newsfeed. Makes me cry every time.
I will keep writing and planning for future seasons of life, but God has given me this brief season to be a Christian mother, learning and teaching faith, humility, and grace.
While there can be more to being a Christian mother than housework, the lessons of Christ start in humble service, whatever that service looks like in your life.
When God tests my life’s work as 1 Corinthians 3:10-14 teaches, I don’t want to have missed the REAL WORK God asked of me, building character and deep faith in myself and family.

Jen- great post! I feel this grumbling a lot with 5 kids. Thank you for showing me another perspective. Knowing its heart work makes it easier:)
It does. I need reminding often myself.
Heather Hart
This video gave me goosebumps. God is so good.
I cry every time I listen.
“Don’t you know that learning to serve, to clean, to do the hard work that no one notices is the REAL work, the real work on your heart.” Wow. So true and something I needed to hear. I’m not a momma yet but I too get caught up thinking that self-imposed tasks and ministries are more important than simply getting the laundry and ironing done. Thanks for sharing!
Glad it spoke to your heart too!
Rachel - a la modest
I felt like writing on this topic too sometime ago, but I always end up doing…. motherly duties. It actually is the cause of my sadness and frustration, because I am a new mother who used to be active outside the home and wrote lengthy and thought provoking posts at one point in my life! Now, I find myself having mommy brain and not having time to do much of anything outside the sphere of being a mom. I have to keep telling myself that this IS my life now, and this is NOBLE work and not meaningless. Thank you for writing this.
It gets easier. That first year is gone before you know it. Just hold your baby. I can barely hold mine any more. I blinked and she will be six next month.
Beautiful! I really needed this today. I’m falling further and further behind on my blog and I’m feeling resentful because my house is dirty and my husband is working late and I’m not going to get any downtime until late tonight. I think this post was God’s nudge to me to get out of my head and back into life.
I’m quickly becoming a huge fan of yours. I love your writing!
Aw, Emily, thank you. I enjoy your blog too! Turn up some worship tunes and rock your housework.
This is one of the best posts I have seen in a long time. It is just what I need to hear.
Oh, thank you! I appreciate the encouragement.
I can only imagine the lessons of a mother are so much more than the season I am now. You are doing great and Yes God can use you even with the dishes and dirty diapers. You have purpose my friend!
Every season has its own lessons. The real lesson here is to learn what you can where you can.
brianna george
I think we can have both. I struggle with this sometimes too. I mean I know I am supposed to write and teach and speak. Sometimes it is a timing thing. Or a season. Either way we must listen to what the Holy Spirit whispers to us and not what Satan wants us to believe.
I totally get you rpoint though of missing out on how our mothering is such an important job. It is invisibe work that we will see the fruit of someday.
I definitely want to find a balance, I think this was more about missing how the daily chores can teach me humility and service instead of being just busy work.
Carrie Anderson
Right there with ya. I recently saw that Invisible Woman video – so powerful! I’m so happy you shared it here, for more women to find. May God bless you and your mothering.
Thank you!
Laura Prater
What a great post! I really needed this today. That video of the invisible woman was great too!
I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Everything we do for our home, family and children is real work. We do for others why not them? thanks for sharing!
And is all serving God’s purpose for us as believers too! Thanks for visiting.
Healing Mama
I have had many humbling experience a like this. It amazes me that sometimes I actually think other things are important besides mothering and where God has me. Great post
Thank you.
All we can do is to do our best
Clare Speer
So sweet and true – being humble is so important and the necessary part of our wok with the Lord – thank you for reminding me!
And one we never get done perfecting.
That Invisible Woman video has been in my playlist for a long time now… it never gets old. I love it!
I listened twice while writing this post! My favorite!!
Mihaela Echols
I love it when people read my posts as well and have struggled with getting upset if people stop reading but I too realized other things are important as well. Thank you for being so real.
It’s so hard to work so hard and get little back sometimes, but I’m learning the benefit is what I learn in the writing process more than who reads it
Amy Christensen
Great post. I no longer have children at home, but I find myself often spending my time listening and helping my adult daughters. This is where God has put us and I just try to remember whatever we do we do for Him. Thank you for the reminder. – Amy
I need to remember that someday, she won’t be here and need me all the time and I’ll miss it. But I look forward to adult times too
Matilda Dennis Quaicoe
This is a very lovely post, Jennifer. I am really happy you are listening to the voice of God about what is really important. Truth be said, lives will go on without our blog posts. But it is a privilege to use our God given talents to bless the world. Have a happy time mothering.
Yesterday, we took a small trip and enjoyed some family time. I really felt energized by a day outside and playing with my sweet Sprite. Today will be back to some computer time but more focused to be done faster.
Rebekah@ Surviving Toddlerhood
I’ve been learning the same thing lately. I’ve needed to slow dowm our entire schedule to keep things prioritized the right way. I’m not stressing as much about the blog, about numbers, about what people think, etc. The blog isnt that important now. My boys and baby are.
Exactly. Do what you can when you can, but you can’t stress!
Daisy Suman
Beautiful..that touched a nerve! Sometimes (well, more often than I’d like to admit), I also have to remind myself the reason I quit my job and stayed home…it is not to spend hours in front of the computer but to BE PRESENT for my son. Thank you for this inspiring reminder 🙂
Exactly! Me too! I needed reminding too.
I’m right there with you and learning the same things! It’s so nice to know that other Christian moms and writers deal with the same issues. I’m reminded as well that the greatest work is in serving my family…and I needed this reminder today! God bless you!
Thank you!