Valentine’s Day Tradition to Show Kids True Love
Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays as a parent. That might sound strange because Valentine’s Day is usually thought of as a romantic holiday, BUT we started this sweet tradition several years ago.
My daughter was just old enough to start understanding that there was a holiday, and it involved presents and chocolate. I mean, what else does a girl need to know? She was all in.
But I wanted to find just the right way to celebrate Valentine’s Day as a family. When I saw John 3:16 written so the word VALENTINE was created, I knew that was the message I wanted for her, because it is the message I still need written on my heart.
It reminds us to celebrate Christ’s coming everyday and focuses on Godly love, not just romantic love.
But I have all these cute ideas and by the time one holiday is put away, the next one is looming. I had always wanted to be the fun pinteresty mom that makes every holiday special, but frankly, these holidays sneak up on me like ninjas.
Free Valentine's Day printable for your children. Fill their love tank with God's love. Click To TweetI’ve learned one trick to manage this holiday, keep everything grouped together and labeled. For Valentine’s Day, I keep everything in a clear project folder that I can just pull out and put up. It’s served me very well for the past nine years now!
Our Valentine’s Day Tradition is easy to do and make it really cute and fun!
Our Valentine’s Day tradition is that we post a handwritten copy of the John 3:16 Valentine’s Day printable (link at the end of post) on her door. Although we use the printable version too now!
Then everyday we add a heart with a character trait we love about her. This is day 1.
I used colored construction paper and just cut out several different sizes and colors of hearts, but you could buy heart shaped wall decor or doilies if you wanted.
We start on the first and go through the 14th, but you can do however many days you want. You could start on the 14th and go through the end of the month as well.
The first few years, we also used this as a way to help her memorize the verse. It was the very first verse she had memorized.
This image is our cute Valentine’s Day Printable version.
What I really love about this tradition is that I spend the month of February reminding my daughter how much I love her. She is so special because she was fearfully and wonderfully made by her creator, who loved her so deeply that he sent his Son to die for her.
Psalm 139:14 ESV I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
My daughter has many wonderful traits, but I made a point to choose traits that I really want to encourage in her: her faith, her kindness, her curiosity, her joy, etc.
We read each trait together everyday as we add new hearts/traits to the door, so she gets to remember each one. Then we continue to read them everyday through the end of February.
This tradition will build on the love we show her daily to create a memory of being valued for who she is. We can fill her love tank based on the qualities and gifts God has given her. Hopefully, she will learn her worth is based in her true identity as a child of God.
And establish a good foundation for what true love looks like for the Valentine’s Days her future holds.

Katie Clark
I love this SO much! I got an idea from another online source to pin hearts on the kids’ doors during February but I hadn’t started it yet, and after seeing your post (with the TRUE love of Christ) I am so excited to start this loving tradition! Thank you so much for the free printable – beautiful! <3
Oh thank you! I hope your little ones love it as much as mine does.
Jen- I love this idea! Your graphic is so cute! I’m pinning this as an activity to try this year!
Thank you!
Susan Evans
How cool that you got the letters from John 3:16 to line up to see that Jesus is our true love!
Isn’t that cool!? Kind of neat how God works even the smallest things.
Nice teachings
I LOVE this! What a wonderful way to celebrate Valentine’s Day with our children.
Thank you! My daughter really loves it and it encourages her heart while reminding me how blessed we both are through the encouraging.
This is a very loving and beauitful tradition.
Thanks! 😍💕
Anna Clarke
So sweet! I love Valentines Day…err month! It’s definitely something to be celebrated with little ones (and everyone 😉 ) and I love how intentional you are with your daughter. Precious. And while I know she probably already cherishes this now, I know it will definitely be something to look on and cherish even more as she gets older!
Oh thank you, I hope she does. I know I’m not always able to be this intentional so I try to be when I can.
a great idea for that John 3:16 printable! 🙂
Thanks ! I thought it turned out cute!
Such a powerful idea. It is so important to remember the love of the Father. And it is oh so powerful to hear others (especially people like your parents) speak positively about you.
Hoping that she takes it all to heart.
Karin Rambo
This is a great tradition! What a great way to point her back to her first love!
Thanks! And the love by which I really want her to measure all other loves as she grows up!
I love this so much! What a wonderful way to celebrate your child and the love of God! This is beautiful and I’m sharing and saving!
Aw, I’m glad I shared it. It is just something we’ve done for years and I thought other families might enjoy it as well.
What a beautiful tradition! Jenny and I have the tradition of covering the girl’s door with hearts, with things we love and appreciate about them. However, we usually do this on the night before Valentines day, after the girls have gone to bed. I love this idea of adding a heart a day, and keeping the celebration going all week long. Thank you for the fun idea!
I bet they are so excited to see all the hearts in the morning and read all their special traits.
What a great tradition. We don’t really celebrate Valentines but this is an awesome way to! Remembering the Greatest love there is!
Valentines Day is a strange one for us too. We don’t want to wait for an artificial holiday to love each other. So this was a way of taking a holiday that the world made up and turning it into something that glorifies God.
Christia Colquitt
I love how this is based on character traits. Reinforcing and encouraging them! Love it.
Thank you!
Ifeoma Samuel
Your daughter is so blessed having a wise mother.
Thank you for the idea you have shared.
Hugs and Blessings to you
Thank you for saying so. God is definitely growing wisdom in me.
This is a beautiful tradition – I love ideas that take these ‘days’ on our calendars and make them mean something in our Christian life. Our children need these gospel moments as often as we can give them to them.
Thank you. I want faith to be something woven into our everyday all the time. I want her to grow up with a deep faith of her own.
Awww… I love tying Jesus into Valentine’s Day! He really is the only one who has true, unadulterated love so we SHOULD be looking to him on this day! <3
Much better than the world’s messages for sure!
Caroline @ In Due Time
I love that you are teaching the message of the love of the Father! So important to share the truth on what can be such a worldly holiday. Thanks for sharing the printable!
I am definitely trying to make this a less worldly day for all of us. Thank you! I think it is pretty enough to print and frame for myself.