• To homeschool or not to homeschool, that is the question. Stepping into homeschooling was a little scary but this Pro/Con list helped us make our decision. #Homeschool #HomeschoolFamily #ChristianParent #MomLife
    Godly Parenting,  Homeschool

    To Homeschool or not to Homeschool

    Share33Tweet2Pin58ShareWhatsApp93 SharesTo homeschool or not to homeschool, that is the question! Whether it is nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of playground bullies, or to take up workbooks against the common core and by opposing – teach common sense. Oh to wonder no more, and by making a decision, to say we end the heartache of forever scarring our children by choosing incorrectly. . . Okay, that Hamlet allusion was probably only amusing me. My students either loved or dreaded Shakespeare units. I always started with a Monty Python-esque British accent and Hamlet’s soliloquy, attempting to inspire them to love the bard. As a dedicated public school teacher for…