The Best Way to Explain Easter to a Kindergartner
What is the best way to explain Easter to a kindergartner? She knows the story, she knows Jesus, but I want to help her understand the depth of His choice to go to the cross for us.
Choosing to follow Jesus means more than just thinking He was a great guy. We have to grasp our sin sent Him to the cross. I need to really talk with my kid about Jesus, even the hard things.
During Lent, we had been devotionally traveling through Jesus’s last week, reading about Palm Sunday, discussing how Jesus’s humble entrance into Jerusalem on the donkey fulfilled ancient prophecy.
Can you imagine any of our politicians choosing that entrance?
We read about the Last Supper and Jesus’s washing the feet of the disciples. Discussing the cultural significance was hard with a five-year-old, so I got out a small tub of hot water and washed her feet. She washed mine.
We ended up tickling more than anything, but learned how humbling it is to wash someone’s feet, what a tender act of love it is, demonstrating how to love like Jesus, willing to serve in the humblest manner.
But when we started talking about the cross, it seemed like she had the words, but missed the message. As I tried to explain Jesus dying, she started rattling off Bible stories from memory.
How can I explain Easter to her at such a young age?
I’m glad she has those stories written on her heart, but we all need to experience Easter every year as a fresh encounter with a sacrifice far beyond what our selfish natures can comprehend.
We all need to encounter Easter as the most tremendous sacrifice the world has ever known. Click To TweetSo I stopped and decided to explain Easter in a way that would be more relatable for small children. I used a story, like Jesus used to do.
A few days ago, one of your friends was really naughty. Her mother told her to do something that she didn’t want to do. So, she threw a tantrum and was just awful. What should her mom do? She deserves a punishment, doesn’t she?
My sweet girl nodded.
But punishment is not fun. So would you take her punishment so she doesn’t have to?
She looked at me in shock, her brow furrowing, “No!”
But you love your friend, won’t you help her out?
“That’s not fair! I didn’t do anything!” She whined.
Exactly, neither did Jesus.
Jesus took our punishment even though it was not fair because He loves us so much!
He never did anything wrong at all, but he took your punishment, my punishment, and the punishment for everyone so we could go to heaven. His sacrifice paid the price for our sinful choices so we can be forgiven.
Romans 5:8 ESV But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
When we didn’t deserve it, when we can’t ever earn it, Jesus died to set us free.
Her eyes widened and the smallest understanding crept into them, “oh, Mom, I guess, I should think about others, I’ll take her punishment, but I don’t really want to.”
I’m not really going to punish you, but does that help you understand what a tremendous sacrifice Jesus made for you, for us?
When we didn't deserve it, when we couldn't earn it, Jesus took our punishment to set us free. Click To Tweet
I helped her encounter Christ’s sacrifice how she could understand it.
For the first time, she asked me to explain Easter, what it meant for Jesus to hang on the cross. We discussed the whipping, the crown of thorns, and the nails that held our Jesus to the cross.
Our day ended with baking resurrection rolls, a neat remembrance that the tomb was empty, Jesus conquered the grave. I love giving her the visual of the empty tomb every year.
While watching The Passion was too much for her at this stage (honestly, I can’t watch it myself. My emotions would just destroy me), we do watch some Easter/Jesus themed films on RightNow media and PureFlix.com. It is one way to put the focus of the season where it belongs.
I know I’m a forgetful sinner. And I have to encounter Christ’s sacrifice and my redemption anew all the time.
I have to be brought to my knees over my selfishness, face to face with my weakness so I can better understand the strength of His sacrifice.
As a mother, I just pray to explain Easter and our faith in such a way as to keep Jesus real for her everyday.

Lauren C. Moye
What a great story to explain Easter with! Sounds like you’re doing a great job training her up in the way that she should go for the rest of her life.
I hope so! Thank you
Ifeoma Samuel
Like your explanation. It is easy for her to capture in her mind and also value it.
God Bless, Jennifer
Anna Clarke
This was SO good! What wisdom from the Holy Spirit to explain the reality of the Gospel to little ones in this way. Thank you so much for sharing! May God continue to bless your sweet family as you grow in the Lord together!!! -xx Anna
Thank you!
Healing Mama
This was a great way to teach a younger child about Easter! I mean, I never thought about explaining it to my kids that way. How amazing.
Aw, thank you. It seemed to make his sacrifice a bit clearer.
Rachel - a la modest
Very beautiful. I love the conversation you had with your daughter about Easter and sacrifice. This is a great opportunity for young minds to learn how to be selfless when we were all born as selfish beings.
Thank you, I know she is still really young. I hope she is growing with a good base of faith, but it is hard to know what she really grasps.
I love the way you explained Easter to your daughter. You have opened her eyes to the true sacrifice our Father made for us by sending His son to die for us–one who was totally faultless.
Thank you! I really hope she understands!
De Bolton
I think some adults don’t really truly fathom the sacrifice. It wasn’t to I well into adulthood and my own recommitment to Christ that I truly understood the price. My daughter who is almost 12 this year finally truly understood it was beautiful to see the HOLY Spirit in her and her cry tears of bittersweet joy. Maybe if I made it more relatable would she have gotten it sooner. There is still time for my other two though. But I think once again a great post and another perspective. Really enjoyed it!
There are some days, I still need reminding. I’m glad God is working in your children’s lives. How blessed they are to have you as a mom!
I love this! We do the same thing by trying every day to bring spiritual truths home. I think the foot washing was an excellent idea. I did the Resurrection eggs idea that’s so popular these days (check out Pinterest) with our daughter this year and it helped make the story more concrete. These are real things that happened to our Jesus. Keep it up Mama.
Amazing to consider what a real human being the master of the universe became for us!
Mihaela Echols
I love that you brought Easter explaining to her level and had a conversation with her about it and didn’t just teach it but made it tangible.
It seemed like she really understood! I hope she will grow up in her faith.
That’s a great way to explain it! I have been struggling with that with my kiddo. He’s only 3. I would love for him to have some sort of understanding about Easter. I might just try this approach!
Let me know how it goes!
Sue A Allen
This is our sorta funny Easter story. My husband was putting our four year old, Comerson, to bed on Saturday night and told him that “Tomorrow is Easter.” Comerson quickly responded, “What is Easter?” My husband went on to say, “Easter is when Jesus rose from the dead.”
Comerson’s response, “I roast marshmallows.” It took us a bit to realize he heard my husband say, “Jesus roasted the dead.” Hmmm…one day the dead will be roasted. Somber reminder to get out there and tell others the true meaning of Easter.
Love how our kids can spur us spiritually on!
So cute! Make sure that you write that down!
That was a pretty clever way you used with experiences she could relate to. I’m sure the understanding will grow with time and reflection. You are definitely planting seeds. Keep up the great work and modeling good parenting.
– Kirby
Doing my best to live what I understand today. And grateful for grace.
Ida Pahus
Love how and that you made the message of Easter so relatable to her! God bless.
When I asked her about the meaning of Easter yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised that she said, “Jesus died on the cross for my sins, he took my punishment so I can go to Heaven with Him someday.” She understood and prayed and thanked Him ! It was so special to see her growing in her faith.
What a really cool way to get the Resurrection message across!
Thank you. It seemed to make it real for her
I imagine this post has been helpful for so many with little kiddos. I love your desire to share the TRUE meaning of the weekend
It is hard to put things on their level in a tangible way.