Do you Dare to Really Know Jesus?
If you would consider to dare to know Jesus, I invite you to give Him some serious thought today.
Whether you’re a Christian or not, you probably claim to know Jesus, at least in broad strokes.
In fact, worldwide, no one person has influenced history more than Jesus. The way we even measure history has been using His birth since A.D. 532. While using Before Christ has become less politically correct, the era still changes approximately at His birth.
But which Jesus do you know?
There is only one historical Jesus in reality, but how He is painted, described, even taught can vary wildly.
And sadly, not even every person who describes herself as a Christian even knows the real Jesus.
We live in a culture of busy. We don’t have the time to research everything that comes across our screens, so we take for granted (too often) that we can trust the source has done careful, objective research from objective, intelligent sources.
But it’s hard to be objective about Jesus.
He turns everything upside down and asks you to see things His way. His way is generally not the natural way we want to see things. So, meeting Jesus is something we each need to do personally.
No matter where you are, I would love to invite you to get to take a few minutes thinking about this Jesus fellow in a new way, as a historical person who really lived, was really crucified.
Maybe you’ve heard that Jesus never really existed. This is called the Jesus Myth.
But a significant majority of experts in ancient history, both atheists and believers, believe Jesus lived and died. We have quite a bit of scholarly evidence to attest to both.
And his body was never found by some people who really, really wanted Him to be dead and to stay that way.
That His disciples (who didn’t know his body was missing) could have managed to get past armed guards and roll the stone away without being killed seems highly unlikely.
And the way their lives radically changed following the Resurrection certainly lends credence to their stories of seeing the risen Jesus.
Jesus claimed to be God.
John 10:30 ESV I and the Father are one.”
While some of those claims are subtle, His audience would have understood what he was saying.
John 8:58 ESV Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”
Which is a reference to a passage in Exodus.
Exodus 3:14 ESV God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel, ‘I am has sent me to you.’”
Jesus claimed to be the only way to the Father.
John 14:6 ESV Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
A pretty audacious claim. As Josh McDowell challenged, He was either a Liar, a Lunatic, or Lord.
Jay Payleitner in the Jesus Dare asks us to consider He was who he said He is. And let that transform us.
If you’ve never considered Jesus, The Jesus Dare is a great place to start as is the Gospel of John.
John is beautifully written and contains a very clear picture of the true nature of Jesus.
If you’re not quite ready to dive into the Bible, The Jesus Dare was a good, quick read that clearly walks through who Jesus is and the core messages He preached. The book is designed to introduce seekers to the real Jesus, step by step with a few apologetics concepts thrown in.
Jay Payleitner writes with a sense of humor and a heart for people. He also manages to condense a lot of spiritual guidance and wisdom in a pretty brief text. In some ways, this makes an excellent Christianity 101 for new believers as well as those who are curious about Christ.
Carry the Jesus Dare to offer to those who would dare to know Jesus!
If you already know Jesus, I would recommend this book as one to carry in your purse or pocket to share with seeking people you encounter in daily life. It’s a great place to start for anyone curious about who Jesus is and what Christians believe.
And if you’ve spent too much time listening to what other people say about Him, maybe it’s time to know Jesus for yourself.
I had spent too much time just knowing the Sunday school answers. I even had a decent handle on mainstream theology. But it was no good knowing the book without knowing the author.
It's no good knowing the book if you don't know the author when it comes to the Bible and Jesus. Will you dare to have a relationship with Him? Click To TweetKnowing Bible stories is not the same thing as surrendering my entire life to God and inviting Him into my life, heart, and mind to change me from the inside out.
When you take the risk of really knowing Jesus, you risk never being the same again.
And following Jesus is like taking the road less traveled, it will make all the difference.
Are you curious?
If you’ve never had a moment that everything went from black and white to color, the scales fell from your eyes, and you could see and know God’s love, you’re missing out on a great adventure.
I no longer struggle to fill the gaping void in my soul. Confident in my identity in Christ, I live the truth of how He has transformed me everyday.
Now, I have purpose and passion for people. Before I came to Christ, I was broken, angry, bitter, unable to love.
I couldn’t give away what I didn’t have. But now I am loved, cherished, forgiven, accepted. And can love others with the love of Christ.
Isn’t that worth daring to know Jesus?

Anastasia | MightyMemos.com
“Which Jesus do you know?” <—- WOW. That stopped me in my tracks, and I've never considered it that way before. As a relatively new Christian I'm wanting to make sure I absorb as much of the true, real Jesus as humanly possible, so thank you for your insights here! I haven't heard of this book before, It sounds like it will make a great companion to my bible studies 🙂
x Anastasia | MightyMemos.com
Joshua J. Masters
Your post makes some very important observations. I think churches are filled with people who’ve never met the real Jesus. God’s desire is for us to have a true encounter with Him, and live by continued encounters with Him. I’d not heard of the Jesus Dare book, but I’m going to check it out. Thank you.
Thanks! It’s a new release. It’s a good jumping off point for new believers or seekers.
Heather GILLIS
This is so true! And a great way to put it, which jesus do you know? My entire family is Mormon (I am not) so this statement is a great depiction of the real jesus and questions us to look deeper into it. Great post!
Yes! Unfortunately too many miss Him for all the false gospels.
Marcia Furrow
This is SO true – many claim to know Jesus, but have no idea who the Biblical Jesus is.
It’s not very often that I come across a new book that is not available on Kindle.
It’s such a short book and just released. Maybe they want people to give it away.
J.D. Wininger
In my mind, to truly know Christ is to endeavor to become like Him, the true meaning of “Christian.”