My Best New Years Resolution
I used to make the same resolution every year. But I don’t want to make just any resolution this year. I want to make my BEST New Years Resolution.
How do you decide what New Years Resolution to make?
Do you give it tons of thought? choose a bad habit you’ve been meaning to quit? or decide to try something new? This year, I was kind of at a loss.
Maybe, I’m taking life more seriously as I get older, but I’m tired of shallow resolutions that don’t become life changes.
Every year, I used to make the same New Years Resolution – to lose weight. I’m not a whole lot skinnier this year, but at least I’m not going the wrong direction, I suppose.
I don't want to make just any resolution this year. I want to make my best New Years Resolution. Click To TweetAnd I’m healthier for the choices I’ve made. I eat more vegetables and try to be more active. It’s biblical to live healthier.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ESV Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
But I wonder if God is pleased with the time and focus I’ve put into my outward appearance for the past 20 years, time that could have been spent growing in true beauty instead, by building my faith.
Rather than consider what New Years Resolution I want to make this year, I asked God what He wanted me to change.
The prayer was barely out of my mouth before I had an answer.
1 Peter 3:4 ESV But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.
My family has been watching Little House on the Prairie on the INSP Network. Watching the blind characters deal with race and appearance has made me wonder how I would look if no one could see.
If we couldn’t see:
- how clean the house is
- how my hair looks
- what size I am
- how nicely I’ve decorated
- my make-up
- wrinkles
- how cute my daughter is
Would you see Christ in me if you couldn’t see me? Would I be beautiful if no one could see me? What is the first thing people would see if they couldn’t see me?
My best New Years Resolution would be to live and sound more like Christ.
My BEST New Years Resolution is to live more like Christ in every way. Click To TweetAnd God put on my heart that I need to change my heart to soften my tone of voice. I sound stressed and harsh and irritated way too often.
Matthew 12:34b ESV “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”
I know I’ve come a long way in this area, (we have a lot less yelling in my house) but in some ways the change to my attitude and behavior makes the shrill frustration or exhausted irritation more obvious in contrast.
Sadly, I hear it in my stepson’s voice with his brother and sister. I hear it in my daughter’s voice when she answers back or yells at the cat.
It makes me so sad that I’ve used this aggravated tone so often, the children mimic it.
So even though I plan to keep my children, pets, and husband 😉 , I’m going to let God soften my heart, exploring His word for healing of the hurts in my past, giving him control over my agenda for each day and as a wife, mother, friend, mentor.
God took a stuttering murderer and made him the leader of a nation, a mighty man of God. If God can change and use Moses, He can change and use me to reach my family for Him, by becoming the soft voice of His gentle love calling to them through me.
Proverbs 16:9 ESV “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”
If I let God direct my steps, this new year will be what He makes it.

Florence Ukpabi
That’s a wonderful resolution to make, one that I’m sure will bear much beautiful fruit in you and those around you. 🙂
Already is! Thank you.
Jonathan Key
It’s so important to remember to focus on God and allow Him to direct our goals. Happy new year and best wishes in 2016! Keep up the great content! Love the new look of your site.
Thanks for your help and support! It is a slow process, but I’m much happier with it. Letting God direct my time and energy here too
Wow!! What I thought… how would others “see” me if they couldn’t see? Ouch. I’m not sure I like the answer. Thank you for this post, it definitely brings good perspective yo what really matters and where our focus should lie.
It’s a bit convicting of a perspective, for sure.
Wise words here Jennifer. Goals focused on His Word and His desires for us can never be bad when we are open vessels ready to be filled and used. You go girl!
Thanks! Big changes have already been happening in our home.
robbie @ use resources wisely
I love this post! I’ve been pondering my goals for 2016 (never “resolutions”) and it centers toward taking better care of my health, my faith and my relationships. Your post sums that up nicely and is just the hope and reinforcement I needed today!
Good luck with your best New Year yet!
That is an amazing resolution, and one I made as well, although I didn’t write it down. It was more of a heart one with God. I too yell and am harsh with my family way more than is necessary (is it ever necessary?) and have been grieved this past year hearing my children talk to each other in the way that they have learned from me.
Thank you for opening your heart, and I wish you the best of luck with your resolution. Thank you also for linking up at Fitness Fridays on Drops of Learning, and I hope you will share your progress with us in the weeks and months to come. Happy New Year!
It is a gradual process. When I stopped yelling, my irritated tone sounded so much worse. But it is a daily journey.