How to Balance Housework and Homeschool
Balancing housework and homeschool is tricky. Balancing homeschool with anything is hard! Homeschool parents have the equivalent of a full-time job while trying to also be a spouse, parent, housekeeper, and if possible, a person who has a few moments to shower every couple of days. While housework isn’t the deep spiritual issues I usually tackle, if we don’t address it, it can become an area of spiritual disobedience or a thorn in your marriage. Taking some time to place housework in its proper place is an act of humility and servanthood, which are spiritual disciplines. So, how do you do it all and not lose your mind? I’ve been…
Raising Girls to be Powerful Women of God
As the mother to a daughter, no challenge seems greater to me than raising girls to be powerful women of God. Womanhood is intensely difficult and beautiful and humbling and empowering. Sometimes, it’s all of those in the same moment. But being a woman isn’t a one size fits all kind of endeavor. And helping our girls embrace what womanhood is for them and as daughters of the King is supremely difficult, especially so in a culture that strives to erase any differences between the genders. First, to raise a Godly woman, I have to BE a Godly woman. She will follow my example more than my instruction. She needs…
Why Should You Give Up Something for Lent?
Why should you give up something for Lent? Maybe you shouldn’t. Lent is a HUMAN tradition that isn’t in the Bible at all. (But keep reading because there are some really powerful reasons I choose to.) And some Christian denominations have made Lent an ostentatious ritual that secures salvation or God’s blessing in our lives. John 20:31 ESV But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. Let me be clear. Salvation does not require you to give up something for Lent. Furthermore, it’s not a part of some magical How…
What Changed my Heart and made me Pro Life?
A Christian blogger being pro life is not very surprising, but what might surprise you is that I was pro choice much of my life. It’s still really hard to admit. About 15 years ago, God began to get ahold of my heart in a way that changed everything I thought I knew. My pro-choice argument went something like this: Life begins at conception, but it is my religious belief in the Bible that informs my position. I do not believe abortion is a good choice and would never encourage a friend to have an abortion, but I don’t have the right to force my religious beliefs onto others. I…
How to Share the Truth About Abortion with Pro-Choice Friends
How can we share the truth about abortion to our pro-choice friends? I have really struggled to find just the right way to discuss this sensitive topic. Everyone has a really strong opinion, and people often find discussion difficult when we have strong opinions. We tend to do a lot of sharing our own opinions without really listening. But no one changes her mind in a shouting match. Too often people double down and shout louder, resort to name calling and worse. Our entire national political discourse looks like this right now: angry screaming (or typing) at people we don’t know, whose stories we haven’t heard over issues we are…