
  • I found my heart for Giving Tuesday through these words, "Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours." - Teresa Avila
    Causes,  Holidays

    Giving Tuesday

    Share16TweetPin2Share1WhatsApp19 SharesToday we started Advent, marking days toward the celebration of the greatest gift mankind has ever known, celebrating the birth of Christ. How fitting that this year, today is also Giving Tuesday. We follow days of gluttony and excess, perhaps self-absorption and consumption with a sweet day of being focused on doing good. How do you find your heart for Giving Tuesday? Giving Tuesday only started a few years ago, but is growing as more and more people recognize that we need to focus outside of ourselves. While, a calendar day set to tell you to give can make it feel compulsory, God doesn’t specify what to give or…

  • "Did you deserve that ticket?" She asked. I didn't imagine that would be a start to a wonderful lesson in grace.
    Causes,  Faith based living,  Godly Parenting

    A Speeding Ticket Lesson in Grace

    ShareTweetPinShareWhatsApp0 SharesWe were running what I like to affectionately term “almost late.” As usual, I should say. I used to be early for everything then I became the mother of a child who actively thwarts all attempts to leave the house in a timely fashion, leading me to be a tad creative with my defensive driving techniques. I won’t say I’m Mario Andretti, but one of my friends posted this meme to my Facebook page. Today, we were only running slightly behind schedule, but I needed to be somewhere early, so I was speeding. I think I was going 65 or so in a 55 mph area. I was going…

  • If being a mom is a superpower, this is our Wonder Woman, and I'm nominating her for the #BreakYouMake award from Chobani.
    Causes,  Faith based living,  Godly Parenting

    Even Superheroes Need Breaks

    Share175TweetPinShareWhatsApp175 SharesThe first thing I learned about being a mom is how terrifying it is to love someone this impossibly much. The second thing I learned is that there is no such thing as rested moms. I’m exhausted by dinnertime every night. Sometimes, I hide in the bathroom to get five minutes of peace and quiet. The only break I get is the one I make, and sometimes there simply isn’t a break. When Chobani asked women to think about someone in your life that needs a break, I immediately thought about my best friend, Kaitlin, whose whole life has been an emergency for almost three years. Being a mom…

  • Nothing is wasted? Really? God uses all the awful stuff in our lives? Trusting God that nothing is wasted is sometimes more than hard. But it's also so true.
    Causes,  Faith based living

    Nothing is Wasted – How God uses Hard

    Share234Tweet6Pin91Share1WhatsApp332 SharesNothing is wasted? Really? God uses all the awful stuff in our lives? Trusting God that nothing is wasted is sometimes more than hard. Sometimes when life is on an easier street, we do a good job feeling like we’ve put it all in His hands, but when the speed bumps start coming and getting bigger and bigger, we start to ask questions. We start wondering “Why me?” or “Why him?” or just “Why?” And it gets downright disastrous. How can a loving, merciful God let THIS happen? Whatever your THIS might be. I have a lot of “This”es in my life. (Heaven not Harvard shares links as a…

  • Causes

    World’s Biggest Birthday Bash

    ShareTweetPinShareWhatsApp0 SharesAnd YOU are invited to be part of the celebration! turning this day into one of joy. “Birthdays should be joyful occasions when parents celebrate the accomplishments their children have made in the past year, often talking of how they’re “growing up too fast”.  For us, that’s not the case. For our family, each birthday is a painful reminder of the decline we will continue to see if something doesn’t happen soon. Turning 5 years old should not be so bittersweet, and I know come November 16th, the tears will flow. We made it a point early on not to cry in front of our children, especially Eliza’s big…