Faith based living

Insights and anecdotes about living by faith in our role as women, wives, and mothers.

  • Do you ever struggle with feeling rejected? Between gossip and judgmental 'friends', we all do from time to time. But what is God's truth?
    Faith based living

    Rejected Rock or Cornerstone

    ShareTweetPin3ShareWhatsApp3 SharesDo you ever feel rejected? I have been really struggling with rejection the past few weeks: gossip, slander, unkind messages, ignored phone calls. Praying and working through this issue, I’ve realized feeling rejected has colored on the canvas of my entire life (but I’m in good company). I remember being happy and confident as a child. Then the first day of kindergarten, I somehow didn’t fit. I was called cruel names. No one asked me to play during recess. A cruel boy ruined my new ‘cowboy’ boots in second grade when I left them in the coat room. I was rejected and bullied mercilessly throughout elementary and middle school.…

  • Adoption,  Faith based living

    Just Another Day – Waiting with Hope

    Share94TweetPin128Share1WhatsApp223 SharesWaiting with hope for answers to prayer can be the toughest challenge of our lives. We wait not knowing what the answer will be or when it will come. We try to have faith in the waiting. But what does the day before your miracle look like? Just another day. After a long cold winter, maybe I’m just ready for some sunshine, but I have found that I’m usually seeking HOPE when I come to this special day on the calendar. My verse of the day was this sweet promise in my devotional this morning. This verse was so encouraging in my present circumstances, praying for my own healing…

  • What does sorry mean? What does repentance and contrition look like? Are you Sorry, Not Sorry?
    Faith based living,  Godly Parenting

    Sorry, Not Sorry

    ShareTweetPinShareWhatsApp0 SharesShe came in from playing outside, her cheeks flushed from the southern sunshine. “Please go pick up your room before dinner,” I asked. My four-year-old turned, made an angry face, with fists at her sides, “I don’t want to!” Giving her the ‘mom’ look, I started towards her. She quickly ran to her room,  continuing to shout and whine. I followed her, trying to maintain my patience while I explained that she will not speak to me like this and that picking up her toys is her responsibility. She yelled, “SORRY! But I . . .” And I listened to her little rant, gently corrected her attitude, and modeled…

  • Exploring the things I learned about my attitude and spirit when I changed my words.
    Faith based living

    What I Learned When I Stopped Complaining

    ShareTweetPinShareWhatsApp0 SharesFor the 2014 Thanksgiving season, I began a challenge of 30 Days Without Complaint. And it was hard. Honestly, it was pretty much impossible to keep 100%. I wanted to revisit what I learned when I stopped complaining. 1. I learned that being negative has been my default setting for most of my life. I tend to see the one wrong thing like a flashing beacon begging me to fix it, which makes me a fantastic essay grader as a teacher, but also means I have to be purposeful about seeing the positive and intentional about mentioning it! Trying my best to follow the dictionary definition of ‘complaining’ as…

  • Nothing is wasted? Really? God uses all the awful stuff in our lives? Trusting God that nothing is wasted is sometimes more than hard. But it's also so true.
    Causes,  Faith based living

    Nothing is Wasted – How God uses Hard

    Share234Tweet6Pin91Share1WhatsApp332 SharesNothing is wasted? Really? God uses all the awful stuff in our lives? Trusting God that nothing is wasted is sometimes more than hard. Sometimes when life is on an easier street, we do a good job feeling like we’ve put it all in His hands, but when the speed bumps start coming and getting bigger and bigger, we start to ask questions. We start wondering “Why me?” or “Why him?” or just “Why?” And it gets downright disastrous. How can a loving, merciful God let THIS happen? Whatever your THIS might be. I have a lot of “This”es in my life. (Heaven not Harvard shares links as a…