Godly Parenting
Parenting as an extension of my redemption in Christ, of who I am as a Godly woman, who I am as a saved sinner and how that truth impacts my life and parenting.
How to Teach your Toddler to Quit Whining: Ask Away Thursday
Reader Question: How do I teach my toddler to quit whining? Ugh, I get it! Whining just exasperates me! Children must be born with the ability to whine and the innate knowledge that it grates on mommy nerves. My mother-in-law jokingly suggested giving them everything they want. I know for a fact that was not her strategy with her children or mine. She is a bit more old school and tends to just tell them to knock it off, which can be fairly effective from Grandma, but not so much from mom. But this is an age old problem. And I’m sure my solution isn’t new, but it’s what works…
The Best Way to Explain Easter to a Kindergartner
What is the best way to explain Easter to a kindergartner? She knows the story, she knows Jesus, but I want to help her understand the depth of His choice to go to the cross for us. Choosing to follow Jesus means more than just thinking He was a great guy. We have to grasp our sin sent Him to the cross. I need to really talk with my kid about Jesus, even the hard things. During Lent, we had been devotionally traveling through Jesus’s last week, reading about Palm Sunday, discussing how Jesus’s humble entrance into Jerusalem on the donkey fulfilled ancient prophecy. Can you imagine any of our…
1 Bible verse to be a Better, More Consistent Parent
Can 1 Bible lesson from James soften my heart and help me be a better, more consistent parent? Could standing firm actually make me more loving? One of my favorite experiences as a believer is how God’s word has become this amazing love letter and an active presence in my life as I spend time in it. Proverbs 7:1,3 ESV My son, keep my words and treasure up my commandments within you . . . 3 Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart. When I face struggles, God brings His peace and answers to my mind, helping me understand why we write His…
Am I doing this right? Feels like Drowning
This week, life feels a bit like drowning. I’m fairly certain I’m not doing this stay-at-home-mom thing right. At the very least, other people are doing it better. I look at the crusty kitchen counter, the dog hair infested floor, the math worksheet she doodled all over (the I LOVE YOU’s are sweet, but what is 5+2?!), the three other subjects we didn’t get to, exercise bike taunting me, the completely unhealthy frozen pizza that is probably going to be dinner (again), and when was my last shower?! Other moms text me like – wanna hang out? and I stare at the message feeling like a failure. Obviously, they have…
What to do when We are Weary
Are you weary, momma? I’m so weary my weary is weary. I can’t even think in complete sentences. Sinus pressure headaches create caveman speak inside my head, “Need coffee. Feed tiny human.” Even my daily scripture app knows how exhausted I am, presenting me with this gem the other day. Proverbs 30:1b “. . . I am weary, O God; I am weary, O God, and worn out.” (Heaven not Harvard is as a participant in affiliate programs including the Amazon Associates Program. As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases.) What is your weary? A teething baby, a health crisis, a rebellious teen, a sick pet, an artistic toddler…