Today is the National Day of Prayer, but I'm a little overwhelmed by our nation today, and wanted to share what I found when I sought God's wisdom today.
Faith based living

How to Pray on this National Day of Prayer

Today is the National Day of Prayer. My daughter was born on the National Day of Prayer a few years ago, which has made it special for me even when it doesn’t fall on her birthday. I always take time to pray today.

With everything in the news, I feel overwhelmed. Every time I read the news, the world seems more on the brink of disaster. So many people don’t have a relationship with or even knowledge of God.

Sometimes, this world feels hopeless.

But thankfully we know that the hope we have is not in this world, but overcame it!

John 16:33 ESV  I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
So how do I even begin to pray?

Just begin. That’s it.

Romans 8:26 ESV   Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.

We don’t have to know what to say. Fancy words are nothing to the King who knows our every thought, just lift up your voice and pray with a worshipful and humble heart.

Don't know where to start to pray this National Day of Prayer? Just starting is a start. Click To Tweet
What should I pray for?

Pray for our nation. This year, our nation feels antagonistically polarized. America’s history is complex and muddy, but started on the premise that people wanted to worship God in deeply meaningful and personal ways. We need to be in prayer that Christians will truly focus on knowing and seeking God’s will above all other agendas.

2 Chronicles 7:14 ESV / If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Pray for the church. The church is the body of Christ, every believer everywhere, not just the buildings we attend for fellowship. Pray Godly leaders are bold enough to speak the truth and for flocks to embrace convicting and sound teaching.

2 Timothy 4:3 ESV / For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,

Pray for humble Christians to know the difference. It’s easy to listen to someone preaching what you already do or think is okay. It’s hard to choose to hear someone who challenges you to walk away from everything that isn’t pursuing God.

Today is the National Day of Prayer, but I'm a little overwhelmed by our nation today, and wanted to share what I found when I sought God's wisdom today.

Pray for your pastor and personal church here by name. I love how praying for someone softens my heart and opens me to loving them or seeing how I can fill a need.

Pray for your personal walk. Praying for myself is something I’ve struggled with, but the prayers that have changed my world the most were the prayers that asked God to change ME the most.

The prayers that changed my world the most were the prayers that asked God to change ME! Click To Tweet

I pray to have God’s perspective in my daily life. Having His vision for my marriage, my home, my parenting takes the SELF right out of the equation and lets me give my fears and struggles to Him.

I pray for time to be in God’s world daily, to strengthen my faith and convictions, to help me understand how to put on the armor of God in all things.

Above all things I pray for humility and wisdom.

James 1:5 ESV / If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

Because when I come to the foot of God’s throne with abject humility in my heart, I find His peace, love, & grace. Everything else fades away.

2 Corinthians 1:11 ESV / You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.

Paul knew the power of many people praying together.

I hope we can join in prayer together today. Please, share your prayer requests in the comments.


  • Jed

    Jennifer, what great thoughts. You are right, there is so much to pray for in our world, and your post is a good reminder to me that I need to pray more often. I too have found that the prayers where I ask God to change me are some of the most powerful. Thank you for this very timely reminder to pray!

  • Danielle Wells

    I love that we have a national day of prayer! IT’s a good reminder to continue putting trust in God and bringing our cares of this world before Him! I’m thankful I have a God who cares and listens!

    • Jennifer

      I know it! I have a few different strategies. I keep a ringed notecard notebook that has color coded sections and write prayer requests there. I pray the second someone comes to mind and sometimes I just say Jesus, Lord, God and you know the needs. He usually brings people to mind then. I try to remember that praying should be overflow of the heart and not to get too caught up in how I do it, just to keep talking to God.

  • Ai

    I love your exhortation … “Just begin”. Rather than feeling paralyzed and do nothing, just start praying, even just for one thing. It’s not hard to find just one thing because there is so much to pray for, it can get overwhelming. I find that once I start praying for one, God brings to my mind other people and situations that I can bring before His throne of grace. Good post!

  • Inez Bayardo

    These are great prayer points and SO important! I know I have been guilty of complaining and wondering “what in the world am I going to do” this election season, rather than praying! Thank you for this reminder.

  • Pamela

    Just begin — sometimes the beginning is the hardest part. I become paralyzed when I think of the magnitude of our country. My youngest daughter took a little 8 year old special needs student in. She’s a special needs teacher. Little Emma stood by her, little hand in her larger one, while the teachers gathered before school to pray. That mental picture urged me to be even more diligent to pray for our president and the USA.

    • Jennifer

      What a beautiful gift to take in and love a child. I know when j was teaching I usually wanted to bring home at least one kid a year. We definitely look at the children and see how much prayer we need !

  • Helen

    Just start – that’s the most important thing. I also like your reminder not to be concerned with fancy words – God already knows what we will do and say before we do, so just getting going is the best approach!

  • Tara

    This is a great guide. I hope Christians take praying for our nation very seriously all the time, but especially with elections coming up!

    • Jennifer

      But remember that praying is just opening the door of your heart to God. No fancy words, no set routine, just say His name, the rest will flow.

  • Tayrina

    Sometimes the praying life gets difficult, but as you say we just need to start. In those little intentional moments God hear us and bring answers. Encouraging post! Blessings

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