• My temper tantrums? As parents, we don't often think about our tantrums, but I've grown increasingly convicted about my anger, especially towards my daughter.
    Godly Parenting

    Why Should You Stop Throwing Temper Tantrums

    Share184TweetPin132Share3WhatsApp319 SharesWhy should I stop throwing temper tantrums? As parents, those generally aren’t the tantrums we think about. But over the past few years, I have grown increasingly convicted about my anger, especially towards my daughter. And one verse today just wrecked me. And I want to come to you from that place right now: not a place of having conquered, but still conquering, sometimes still failing. But I see God’s work in my heart as I grow more and more. My temper tantrums were damaging my family. Yours are too. God has called us to control our temper tantrums now. I’ve been trying to rewrite this post for days,…

  • God used my daughter to change the way I saw prayer. Through parenting her I finally understood how to pray ceaselessly and do so with joy. #Prayer #ChristianMom #ChristianBlogger #ChristianWoman #Faith #FaithBasedliving #Christian #Parenting
    Godly Parenting

    Understanding How to Pray Ceaselessly as a Mom

    Share23TweetPin48ShareWhatsApp71 SharesUnderstanding how to pray ceaselessly was a lesson God had waiting for me as a mom. I had always known that prayer was important, but it was something we did at church, before meals, during difficult times. I didn’t really know how to pray ceaselessly, yet. One night, when my daughter was just three years old, her bedtime had slid backwards a few minutes because her glow stick bubble bath ran a little long. She had played until the water was cold, her fingers tiny raisins. By the time I was finishing her bedtime story, sleepiness had turned her into a tiny ball of hysterical giggles. Letting her laughter…