• Election season has never felt quite so divisive as it did this year. The entire country is so desperately polarized. What should Americans do now?
    Faith based living

    The Election is Over. What should Americans do now?

    ShareTweetPinShareWhatsApp0 SharesElection season has never felt quite so divisive as it did this year. The entire country is so desperately polarized. The despair and anger and vitriol are palpable. Our country is at tremendous risk of destruction from within. What should Americans do now? If you are a reasonable, intelligent American, I’m talking with you; I’m walking with you. We need to act like we are reasonable and intelligent more now than ever. I’m not seeing very many reasonable, intelligent responses following the election. As Christians, we faced an impossible decision. As Americans, we faced a truly painful one. But we GET to choose how we act today. Maybe, today…