What to do when We are Weary
Are you weary, momma? I’m so weary my weary is weary. I can’t even think in complete sentences. Sinus pressure headaches create caveman speak inside my head, “Need coffee. Feed tiny human.”
Even my daily scripture app knows how exhausted I am, presenting me with this gem the other day.
Proverbs 30:1b “. . . I am weary, O God; I am weary, O God, and worn out.”
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What is your weary?
A teething baby, a health crisis, a rebellious teen, a sick pet, an artistic toddler who uses your walls as canvases, financial worries, marital problems? or all of the above?
When we are WEARY, we wear down, we wear out.
When I’m weary, I get sick faster, become emotional more quickly, and don’t cope with life well. Often I’ll end up sinning.
Have you ever found yourself yelling in fury at a little person who needed discipline, but didn’t deserve your rage because you were too tired to handle the situation?
I know I have. And I’m so ashamed of those moments, but grateful for His grace and forgiveness.
My parenting and marriage suffer when being busy and tired becomes being weary. Click To TweetWhen life starts to gang up on me with physical ailments, emotional challenges, parenting woes, I’ve had a tendency to get angry because my expectations are that my life is supposed to be something it isn’t.
As someone who frequently gets sick and struggles with physical challenges, I’ve found myself weeping with an overwhelming need to demand, “WHEN? just when is it MY turn, God?!?!”
When can I just have the mental or physical energy I need to get myself together?
When we are weary, we wear down. What can we do to heal WEARY? Click To TweetI heard God answer, not today, maybe not tomorrow. I’m not giving you what you want or even what you think you need, I promised to give you what you need.
What do I NEED?
Matthew 6:8 ESV . . . your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
What I need to do what?
To be refined and purified for My (God’s) Kingdom, to serve others, and to be prepared for what comes next.
Oh, not for my sanity or emotional well-being. He is giving me what I need to GROW UP in Him.
At this point, I really want to stomp my feet and slam a door, but I pause. God isn’t punishing me, He is giving me riches.
Philippians 4:19 ESV“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
I may not understand today, but I can trust this weary is purposeful because nothing is wasted when I turn my loose ends over to Him. He is building wisdom and strength in me, and a need for Him through this current weary.
When I hand God my loose ends, nothing is wasted. He's building wisdom, strength and a need for Him in my weary. Click To Tweet
Matthew 11:28 ESV Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Sometimes, when I’m tired and frustrated, I prefer to throw myself a little pity party. I just want to wallow in being miserable. I’ll ignore my waiting Bible in my anger because I just want to be mad for a little while.
But when I set my stubborn aside,
I’ll find rest when I come to Him.
- Pray: for His perspective in this moment and strength to get through this moment until I can rest.
- Be Still. Let Him be God. Listen for His instruction to separate my actual responsibilities from the weights I’ve put on myself.
- Open my Bible. Lots of good encouragement in there, plus it’s really hard to focus on my weary in comparison to the stories of the Bible.
- Triage. What is God’s greatest calling right now? Do that, then the next thing. Don’t worry about seven steps from now, prioritize. Being a loving wife and mother is WAY more important than cleaning house or making a gourmet meal.
After a season of weary, I choose the things that MUST be done, what I’d like to get done, and write down the rest. Writing things down relieves mental anxiety and stress, cutting down my weary.
- Schedule rest. I know I don’t have a lot of spoons everyday. I have an intensely weak immune system and horrible allergies. Pretending I have more spoons, will rob me of tomorrow’s spoons. I must build rest into our schedule.
- Do what re-energizes you. Praise, worship, play with your kids.
When we’re exhausted, we lose sight of the truth: God gives us what we need to grow in Him. We’ll get tired. But let us not grow weary of doing good.
Galatians 6:9 ESV And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Malibu Mama Loves
What a great, inspiring post! Keep up the awesome work! Malibu Mama Loves Xx
Thank you so much!
Hey Jennifer,
I love your honesty, and how you cling to Christ in the midst of the storms. Your story reminds me of my own, as Jenny and I are both right there with you. We have our weary days, and our family is clinging to Christ in the midst of the new storms that life is continually throwing our way. Slowly but surely we are learning to take care of ourselves, support each other, and continually cling to Him, on the journey.
Thank you for the words of encouragement and reminder to keep pressing forward in doing good. Wishing you and your family a blessed and restful week.
Thank you for such kind encouragement. It is going to be busy but I know to take rest when I can, and that busy and tired reminds me to need Him. I don’t think it’s supposed to get easier. Satan’s doing his level best to destroy the good work God has in me. Not gonna let him.
Reading this while at work, wondering if I can make it through the day because I am so tired and sick. Have nursery duty at church tonight and plenty of “to-do’s”. I know I need to rest and have been for a week, I have reached my limit with this sickness. I found your words encouraging today and needed. Thank you for being human, sharing, and pointing us back to God. I will pray for you today.
And I you! I still am fighting this mystery illness and still have a to do list stretching like taffy in front of me. If you can take something off your to-do’s I would. If you’re sick, you might call church and see about not doing nursery duty. It isn’t just protecting you, but everyone else’s health as well. Take a knee. God put this reminder in your path for a reason.
REST! So important. It makes me a better wife, mother and human being in general. 🙂
Yes! That and coffee
Oh what a great post. My body has been shutting down on me yet I feel like I had a vitamin boost reading this. I’m bundling up my loose ends and giving them to God.
That is great! It is such an encouragement to me when something I needed helps someone else too.
Rest really is SO important. When we rest well, we can work better. My Periscope book club is doing Teaching from Rest next month and I can’t wait!
That sounds like a good book! I’ll have to add that to my list.
Oh yes, mama, I know that weary. I have been learning that when I hit the limit, it makes me refigure my priorities, I can strip away the extra and lean more into the Spirit to strengthen me – and He always does.
Oh yes! My house isn’t as clean but our home is much happier.
Clare Speer
Great reminder… and when I am overwhelmed, exhausted and weary – I must be still and then schedule rest and quiet time. I also must do something enjoyable n the weekend and get some fresh air! Thanks for your insight!
Fresh air is good! Sunshine and a walk can improve any mood.
Amen! Weariness is part of God’s plan for us so we can recognize that He alone can give us strength and all we need to do is be faithful in coming to Him everyday before our day starts. He wants to give us rest through a constant fellowship with Him. Yes, it takes prayers. Thanks for the reminders sister!
Yes, I need so many reminders to need Him first.
Mary Collins
I love your suggestions. Pray, rest, read the bible, know that He is God. I have to often remind myself of all these things.
Thanks! And aren’t those really the answers to everything?
Yes!! LOVE the line my weary is weary! I have been there, and in those times Matthew 11:28 speaks to my heart and soul! Love this!
Thanks! I’ve heard the Matthew 11:28 verse so many times, but this weekend I heard the “come to Me!” More clearly and realized that the rest can only come when we seek Him.
Caroline @ In Due Time
Galatians 6:9. IN DUE TIME we will reap the harvest if we don’t grow weary. Thanks for these truths you shared. So grateful He sees my weariness and meets me right where I am
Love it! Yes, it is hard sometimes to remember the harvest doesn’t have a time limit, but He is always faithful. Waiting for the reaping with you!
He wants us to give Him our stuff – so we could have His peace
So right.
Steve Austin
Well, I’m not a Mama…but I certainly know about having weary…weary. My current weary has been over finances. Lord have mercy, I’m so sick of a tight budget. But what you said about God not punishing me, but giving me riches, spoke VOLUMES to my soul. That’s some good stuff right there.
Thanks for sharing and for commenting on my blog. I’ll be back, as long as you promise not to take my Man Card.
I tend to write for women because I speak to that experience more clearly but you are gladly welcome! A man’s perspective is good! Check out my post about Divorcing Him for dishes by the sink!
Holly @ Woman Tribune
I’m so sorry you’ve been feeling so weary and exhausted lately. It can be hard to function and take care of the things we need to when we so desperately need to decompress and center ourselves. I hope you find peace (and rest) soon.
Thanks! I just get sick a lot. Always have, but parenting adds a new difficulty level to being tired. I have to learn I can’t be all things to all people and just be the right things to the right people.
Starla J
It’s true it affects our parenting and marriage. So encouraging. Thank you
If we don’t triage well, we can’t do anything else well.
Starla J @ Pressing In and Pressing On
So true. I needed this post.
Me too!
Mama Brucks
Great reminder! I chose to sit still and relish in the warm sun shining through my window while I listened for God’s nudging ( and rested my eyes!)…weary is rough but God knew we would get there and He is there for us during that time!
Sounds lovely. No sunshine today. Today I am resting in between have to household and writing tasks to do homeschooling and hold onto these sweet moments with my kiddo.