Do you know how to have an Abiding Love?
Can I just have a minute to speak into your soul today? I want to talk to you about the kind of love I hope you have today, the kind of love I hope you have everyday, an abiding love.
Abiding love is safe, enduring, permanent, sacrificial love.
Our worship pastor once read to us from John 15, verses about abiding love, the love of the Father that Christ demonstrated for us through his life of purity and sacrifice.
And I just wanted to sit down in the middle of those verses and ABIDE. Like curve into an cozy chair by the fire, swathed in a rich blanket.
Abide means to continue, remain, survive, last, persist, stay.
I wanted to hang out in those verses, because I never knew how to love purely, without all the human confusion we put into it, until I knew how deeply I am loved by Him.
I was wiping away tears by the time the worship pastor finished sharing that day. God’s love has a way of touching my heart that makes me want to drop everything and just stay in His presence.
John 15:9 ESV As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.
Christ invited me – you – to abide in His love, the kind of love God has for Christ and us. I can only look at my daughter and imagine God’s pure love for Christ. Wistfully, I wanted to rest there and be held by His truth.
I wanted to sit down in those verses wrapped in a cozy blanket and rest in His abiding love. Click To TweetJohn 15:16a ESV You did not choose me, but I chose you . . .
Powerful stuff – Being chosen. We tend to think in this Christian walk that we made some big decision to choose God, but we really just surrendered to His already having chosen us.
He chose us before the formation of the world. While I was a dirty mess of a sinner, I was already CHOSEN, set apart for His purpose.
How differently I have lived since understanding this truth. There is a confidence to knowing I am His beloved daughter.
And I really like that.
But when I heard this verse, I wanted to lean over to my husband and whisper “I chose you.”
John 15:9 ESV As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.
In my still human way, I’m trying to learn how God has loved me and love my husband with that kind of love, a love that gives up me to serve him.
I chose him the day he proposed in the middle of “an arrest”. And, I chose him the day we said I do. I choose him the days he is grumpy and selfish.
Even when our dreams for the future seem hopelessly out of sync, I still choose him.
But I wonder if my husband really understands how much I choose to remain in his arms, seek his presence, ache for him. Does he understand he can rest in my love?
The confidence I have in Christ is the confidence I want to share with those I love. I want my husband to know my love is abiding love.
He can rest there. It is permanent because it is God’s love for him through me (when I remember to get out of the way.)
When I try to do it under my own steam, I’m left wrung out, cranky, ragged.
But when I spend time in God’s presence, the Holy Spirit gives me an often supernatural love for my family.
What does an abiding love look like in real life?
It listens without rushing to speak.
Abiding love takes five seconds to fold his towel, put his laundry away, to serve instead of getting frustrated. It chooses to be loving even when he chooses to be unlovable.
Abiding love debates ideas, not each other. It doesn’t say in anger, that was the last straw. Instead, abiding love pauses and says, I’m frustrated right now, but I love you. Can we finish this once I’ve had a chance to pray and think?
An abiding love doesn’t get caught up in the false trappings of love, even if we enjoy them, but embraces the myriad ways real love shows up in the day to day. It hungers to be the first to say I’m sorry and to even forgive without asking for an apology.
I pray that you have Christ’s abiding love, a real love on this day we often celebrate the wrong things, that His love abides in you. I pray you abiding love through friends and family too.

Lisa Morris
Yes, His love is abiding safe, enduring, permanent, sacrificial love. What a comfort there is in knowing this! I really enjoyed this post, thanks!
I am glad it resonated with you too!
Victoria @ Creative Home Keeper
Thanks for this message today, it’s always good to remember to abide in His love!
Especially on hard days.
Beautiful! Jennifer, thank you for the reminder to rest and abide in Him. Such a good reminder for starting off my day.
Love how we come across these gems in God’s word and they are new and resonate fresh truths.
Anna Clarke
I had one of these moments yesterday, and it does not matter how many times the Lord speaks to us in these quiet, vulnerable moments – the truth and security that comes out of knowing how much He loves me/us changes me in a whole new way every time. I am so thankful for His love and how He invites us to abide in Him. Thank you for sharing this!
I love that He can speak the same love into our lives miles apart.
Brianna L. George (@BriannaLGeorge)
abiding love is a form of agape love, it’s unrelenting, unconditional, and pure. I like how you mention it is a place for your husband to rest. 🙂
I strive to have that kind of love for my husband. I sometimes fail, but the closer I get to God, the more I love like He does.
So powerful! The word abide has always been one of my favorite words, I love what is stands for and what that means for my life!
Me too
I think it is important to stop and remember His sacrifice. We say thank you when we let go of the world and abide in Him.
So true!
It’s wonderful for your friends to know that you are a soft landing place for them. I hope that I am a friend like that!
I’m sure you are.
what beautiful verses oh the encouraging and love they offer
come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com
So true – it’s actually pretty funny that the ‘holiday’ of Valentines started out in the church to focus the people on Christ’s love…and now look where we are! Thanks for the reminder today.
I was never as empty as when I focused on the world’s definition of love and never so full when I recognized God’s definition.
God’s love is the best kind of love
Mary Collins
Beautifully written. Abiding love. I love the way you compared the love of God to us with how it can be applied to our relationships with our loved ones on earth.
I’ve learned that God’s love is the only real love
Caroline @ In Due Time
Such powerful verses! I am so thankful that He first chose us! Truly amazing
Wow this post is excellent!! Great job!
I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Wonderful message here! Thank you for sharing these powerful words.
Isn’t funny how the bible we know and love can still surprise with a message we needed to hear that moment !
Ally J Brown
This is beautiful. How wonderful is it that Christ has chosen us and that we accept!
Thankyou for sharing this and reminding me of this beautiful message.
I needed the reminder too! Glad it blessed your heart as well as mine.
Great message in this post, thank you for sharing your heart
Hope I was able to put my emotions into words that even kind of captured what I was feeling.
Rachel Osborn
Thanks for sharing! Good message. 🙂
Thank you for the encouragement !