Faith based living
Insights and anecdotes about living by faith in our role as women, wives, and mothers.
The Best Praise and Worship Songs for Easter Weekend
Are you searching for ways to center your heart on praise and worship this holy weekend? These worship songs for Easter weekend are filling my home today. Taking a few minutes (or more) to get your heart focused on the meaning of this weekend is especially important. As a mom, holidays sometimes sneak up on me despite all sorts of mental notes not to let them. I find myself often racing through the things I have to do for the celebrations, and I don’t get to take the time to be still in Him. Today, a few songs have been just echoing in my heart and head as I’ve been…
How God is Building my Faith Through the Storms of Life
Building my faith hasn’t come from the smooth seas in my life. I wish I learned things the easy way, but that has never been true for me. Not when I learned that gravity was a pretty consistent fact of life no matter how fast I ran before jumping off the top of the stairs. Sigh. And I didn’t learn from the easy times when it came to growing my faith either. (Heaven not Harvard shares links as a participant in affiliate programs including the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to…
Why We Need Christian Sisters to Overcome Obstacles in Life
How well do you overcome obstacles? I used to think I did a pretty good job of handling the things life threw at me. I realize now that my idea of handling things was to let my inner perfectionist control freak run rampant. There was no grace in how I handled things. If I knew better, I had to do better, even if it was at the expense of my physical, mental, or emotional health. I didn’t realize the importance of allowing people to help me. I wore my independence and self-sufficiency as a badge of honor around my neck, only to at some point realize, perhaps it really was a…
Should Protestants Participate in Lent?
Should Protestants participate in Lent? It’s Fat Tuesday and people are racing to decide what to give up for Lent. In Christian circles, I’ve seen a lot of debate over how to or who should participate in Lent. While my initial answer on this will be clear as mud, hopefully it will make sense to those in the same place I am spiritually. The answer is yes and no. No, they SHOULD not. The Bible doesn’t outline Lent as a requirement of the faith. We need to be cautious in adding things to what the Bible says salvation requires. John 20:31 ESV But these are written so that you may believe…
Important Peace Verses to have the best New Year
Peace is a great word for a coming new year. I’ll face many changes, trials, & joys. Resting in these peace verses will help me stay in God’s perfect peace, putting on the armor of God each day, no matter what it brings. After a couple of difficult years, I’ve learned to stay in God’s word and keep important verses written on my heart so I am prepared for the difficulties life throws at me. The word that I want to carry into the New Year is Peace. A few years ago, I wrote about the challenges of the prior year, hoping that 2017 would be less challenging, but that…